
カリブ クラブ


Carib Club



カリブ クラブの写真ギャラリー

エリート スタジオスイート 1 ベッドルーム キッチン レイクビュー | バルコニー
Homesuite, 1 Bedroom with One Queen Bed, kitchenette | 低刺激性寝具、客室ごとに異なる装飾、防音設備、アイロン / アイロン台
エリート スタジオスイート 1 ベッドルーム キッチン レイクビュー | 専用キッチン | 冷蔵庫、電子レンジ、コンロ、コーヒー / ティーメーカー




  • 駐車場利用料込み
  • 冷房
  • キッチン
  • WiFi (無料)
  • 屋外スペース


4 室中 4 室を表示中

デラックス スタジオスイート クイーンベッド 1 台 キッチン ガーデン


  • スタジオ
  • 定員 3 名
  • クイーンベッド 1 台

デラックス スタジオスイート 2 ベッドルーム 簡易キッチン


  • ベッドルーム 2 室
  • 定員 4 名
  • ダブルベッド 1 台またはクイーンベッド 2 台

Homesuite, 1 Bedroom with One Queen Bed, kitchenette


  • ベッドルーム 1 室
  • 定員 2 名
  • キングベッド 1 台

エリート スタジオスイート 1 ベッドルーム キッチン レイクビュー


  • ベッドルーム 1 室
  • レイク ビュー
  • 定員 3 名
  • クイーンベッド 1 台
Mod logo
ログインすると、対象となる割引や特典を確認できます。もっとリワードを獲得して、もっと旅を満喫 !


Providenciales, Providenciales, No.22 Carib Club Drive, Long Bay


  • ロング ベイ ビーチ - 徒歩 18 分
  • グレース ベイ ビーチ - 車で 5 分
  • リージェント ヴィレッジ ショッピングモール - 車で 5 分
  • Providenciales Beaches - 車で 6 分
  • リーワード ビーチ - 車で 8 分


  • プロビデンシャルズ国際空港 (PLS)から車で 14 分


  • ‪Flamingo's Beach Bar - ‬車で 6 分
  • ‪Caicos Cafe - ‬車で 4 分
  • ‪Aziza Lounge - ‬車で 4 分
  • ‪Coco Bistro - ‬車で 4 分
  • ‪The Deck at Seven Stars Resort - ‬車で 5 分




カリブ クラブ

セルフパーキング (無料)のほか、禁煙のこのアパートメントでは、共用エリアでの WiFi (無料)および多言語サービスもご利用いただけます。 各アパートメントでは、ケーブル放送付きテレビに加えて、冷蔵庫とコンロ、電子レンジが備わった簡易キッチンをご利用いただけます。便利なソファー ベッド、ダイニング スペースのほか、バルコニー、応接スペースもご利用いただけます。客室清掃が行われる日が限定されています。
カリブ クラブには外通路からアクセスできる 7 室の客室があり、コーヒー / ティーメーカーとバスアメニティ (無料)をご利用いただけます。客室には、バルコニーがあります。それぞれ異なる装飾の客室には独立した応接スペースがあり、クイーンサイズのソファーベッドが備えられています。この 3 つ星アパートメントには、冷蔵庫、コンロ、電子レンジ、独立したダイニングスペースを備えた簡易キッチンがあります。

バスルームにはシャワー付き浴槽があります。 ケーブルテレビが備わっています。低刺激性寝具、アイロン / アイロン台、ヘアドライヤーをご利用いただけます (要リクエスト)。ハウスキーピングは日にち限定で行われます。






  • ビーチ (近隣)


  • 一部の共用エリアで利用可能 : 無料の WiFi


  • 敷地内のセルフパーキング (無料)


  • お子様は宿泊無料 (詳細を確認)


  • コーヒー / ティーメーカー
  • コンロ
  • 調理器具および食器類
  • 電子レンジ
  • 冷蔵庫


  • ソファーベッド
  • 低刺激性寝具


  • シャワー付き浴槽
  • タオルあり
  • バスアメニティ (無料)
  • ヘアドライヤー (要リクエスト)
  • 専用バスルーム 1 室


  • リビングルーム
  • 独立したダイニングスペース
  • 独立した応接スペース


  • テレビ (ケーブルチャンネルあり)


  • バルコニー

空調 (温度調節可)

  • シーリングファン
  • 冷房


  • ペットおよび介助動物の同伴不可

対象 / バリアフリー

  • エレベーターなし
  • 全館禁煙


  • アイロン / アイロン台 (要リクエスト)
  • 営業時間限定フロントデスク
  • 客室清掃 (空き状況による)
  • 多言語サービス


  • ウォーターフロントに位置
  • 湖畔に位置


  • 自転車レンタル
  • ウインドサーフィン (近隣)
  • エコツアー (近隣)
  • カヤック (近隣)
  • ゴルフレッスン (近隣)
  • ゴルフ場 (近隣)
  • サーフィン / ボディボード (近隣)
  • シュノーケリング (近隣)
  • スキューバダイビング (近隣)
  • スクーター / モペッドレンタル (近隣)
  • セーリング (近隣)
  • ハイキング / サイクリングコース (近隣)
  • パラセーリング (近隣)
  • 水上スキー (近隣)


  • 一酸化炭素検知器が未報告 (オーナーは施設に一酸化炭素検知器があるかどうか明記していません。携帯用探知器の持ち込みをご検討ください)
  • 煙感知器が未報告 (オーナーは施設に煙感知器があるかどうか明記していません)


  • 2 フロア
  • 2 棟の建物
  • 2010 年建築
  • 7 ユニット
  • レンタル自転車
  • 外通路よりアクセス可
  • 客室ごとに異なる装飾
  • 防音仕様



チェックイン : 15:30 ~ 22:00


チェックアウト終了時刻 : 正午


フロントデスクの営業時間 : 毎日 8:00 ~ 17:00


フロントデスク (対応時間限定)



お子様およびエキストラ ベッドのご利用について

常設ベッドを利用して、両親または保護者と同室に宿泊する 17 歳以下のお子様は、1 名まで無料でご宿泊いただけます
可動式ベッド / エキストラベッドはご利用いただけません




宿泊施設にて、次の追加料金をお支払いいただきます。料金には税金が含まれる場合があります :

  • リゾート料金 : 1 泊につき 1 名あたり 20 USD







Carib Club
Carib Club Aparthotel Providenciales
Carib Club Providenciales
Club Carib
Carib Club Apartment Providenciales
Carib Club Apartment
Carib Club Providenciales
Carib Club Apartment Providenciales


カリブ クラブはペットと宿泊できますか ?


カリブ クラブの駐車料金はいくらですか ?


カリブ クラブのチェックインは何時ですか ?

チェックイン時間は 15:30 ~ 22:00 です。

カリブ クラブのチェックアウトは何時ですか ?

チェックアウトは 正午 です。

カリブ クラブはどこにありますか ?

ウォーターフロントにあるこのアパートメントは、ルカヤン諸島およびロング ベイ ビーチから 2 km 圏内です。グレース ベイ ビーチまで 3.2 km です。

Carib Clubの口コミ


評価 10 - 35 件の口コミ中 8 件が非常に良い
評価 8 - 35 件の口コミ中 9 件が良い
評価 6 - 35 件の口コミ中 9 件が普通
評価 4 - 35 件の口コミ中 4 件が不満
評価 2 - 35 件の口コミ中 5 件が非常に不満








8/10 (良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、施設のコンディションと設備、客室の快適度

8/10 (良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、施設のコンディションと設備、客室の快適度
Nice clean hotel, recommended!
The hotel was really good. The hostess was really nice and helped us out at the island. Very clean and nice room with all the facilities needed. Good kitchen. It's a very valuable place to stay compared to many other places around grace bay. The location is a bit "off" though so a car or bike is highly recommended.

8/10 (良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、施設のコンディションと設備
Good Stay
I am a business traveler. Stayed in many resort hotels in Provo. The Carib is very clean, quiet and isolated from the sounds and light from the busy Grace Bay area. Located on Leeward Highway near the Leeward end. But only a few short minutes via car to heart of Grace Bay. While not a resort - the accommodations were very suitable for my business travel. The staff was very pleasant and friendly and the two room suite was ideal for two travelers.

8/10 (良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、客室の快適度
Clean and tidy efficiency
This is an efficiency with a makeshift kitchen (plug in burner, microwave and mini fridge). Excellent choice for the efficient traveler (single or couple). We spent 7 days on the island and this was the perfect base camp for day trips to the remote beaches on the North and Northwest ends of the island. No frills. Close to what you need. If your here for the shopping and resort amenities this is not the place for you. If your looking for safe, clean and affordable place to sleep and shower in between excursions this is the best option on the island.

2/10 (非常に不満)

Raisa、New Jersey

気になった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、施設のコンディションと設備、客室の快適度
TERRIBLE SMELL!!!! NOT A PLACE TO RETURN TO!!! THE WORST STAY EVER!!! We were placed in the building 7 apartment B. The property had garbage all around it. Our room was dusty, dirty and the dresser drawers had old internet equipment. The small refrigerator and TV probably were manufactured in 1950. The refrigerator made so loud noise that we couldn’t sleep at night. TV worked only the first 2 days. However the worst was the SMELL in this room. It smells like ammonia. We tried to eliminate this smell by opening windows and the door, and turn on the AC at the same time, however it was coming back. We were told that it will be extra charge if we will use AC more than 8 hours per day, and we turn it off when we were leaving the room. The manager Deyon is nice lady and she tried to help us. She arranged extra cleaning for our room after 4 days, however this smell came back on the next day. We had to spend about $60 on the aroma candles. Unfortunately, we paid through hotels.com in full and couldn’t move to different place. Don’t book this place, go somewhere else.

6/10 (普通)


良かった点 : スタッフとサービス
Spacious house, but not close to the beach.
Spacious house, good for a family of 4 or 5, but not close to the beach - about 15 min by car from the beach. If you stay here, will need a rental car. AC works fine in two rooms, but not in the other two rooms, one of which is a loft. Staff helpful, when available.

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、施設のコンディションと設備、客室の快適度
Its not a hotel it's a self maintained unit
Grace is a nice lady that took care of us! She welcomed us by email before we arrived. Because of the funeral she had us stay in the apartment close to the office. She is a great lady that takes care of her visitors to Club Caribe. It's not a hotel people need to realize this. It's an apartment that you maintain and for the money you can't go wrong!

8/10 (良い)

Matthew Fundenberger、Chicago, Illinois

良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、施設のコンディションと設備、客室の快適度
Good Value

2/10 (非常に不満)

Justina、Calgary, Canada

良かった点 : 清潔度
気になった点 : スタッフとサービス、施設のコンディションと設備、客室の快適度
The biggest disappointment in this hotel is the management. We were not welcomed, and were repeatedly told that we had paid too little for the room through Expedia. The hotel was not ready for guests. The rooms did not have working tvs, phones, lights, and doorknobs had to be put in when we checked in. We had booked a two bedroom and instead were given one bed and a fold out couch. The hotel is far from town and with no phones, it was difficult to arrange transportation or tours. The staff was not friendly or accommodating. One of our rooms did not have bathroom lights, any window coverings, and one of the bathrooms had loose pipes just sitting on the floor. The girl that had just started working there was very apologetic, but did not know what to do.

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、施設のコンディションと設備、客室の快適度
Room was very nice and clean. Manager was super friendly and on the spot when we needed him. Ok, you will need a car, but with the price per night you can afford one!

2/10 (非常に不満)


良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、施設のコンディションと設備、客室の快適度
Be warned
It is far to be a Club or something similar, this house is far from the beach, isolated house located besides the building shown on photo. The building in the picture is not open to guests still under construction works. I received a room in a second floor accesible by a small indoor stair difficult to climb with your luggage. Is a small ihouse with 3 apartments. AC was broken, old TV shows only a dozen channels when working, very bad internet access. To be fair the room itself was nice and clean with a kitchenette, no sink.

4/10 (不満)

Beachwalker189、New England

気になった点 : スタッフとサービス
Not as advertised
We spent a week at the Carib Club. Our room was not in the main building shown on the hotel website. Instead we were in a small house next door in a first floor unit. We were the only people staying in the entire complex so we felt uncomfortable knowing that nobody else was nearby. The parking area is not lit at night so it is very dark coming back in the evening. We also did not have hot water for the first two days until we restarted the hot water tank ourselves. The office is only staffed part time and the hours vary, so its likely you won't be able to get help if you need it. The large building seen on the website is currently being renovated. This is not indicated anywhere when you book the hotel.

6/10 (普通)


良かった点 : 清潔度、客室の快適度
If peace & quiet are what you are looking for and you are a do it yourselfer..This is your place
Well, I will start with the pros and move on to the cons. It is clean, comfortable and quiet. Internet & Wi-fi always available. I was here 5 days & only saw the staff 1 time which was fine by me. There are ducks, flamingo & golf watching right off the deck. Bathroom is very roomey & clean. The bed was awesomely comfortable!!! Toilet paper & soap were supplied (which if you have stayed down here before you'll know this is sometimes a problem, nothing like getting in from a 15 hour plane trip to find that you have to go buy TP) Now for the cons, the Kitchenette is servicable but not quite a full kitchenette. My room was on the 2nd floor, I weigh 100 pds. & my bag weighs 45...there is a very small spiral staircase in which 1 has to hoist bag upstairs, comical at best; I would recommend lower level if this is you. Lastly, hot water for the shower would have been wonderful!! To be fair, we had a huge storm the day before but 2 times w/o hot water was a little brrrrr..... However, for the cost and what you get I would recommend!! Hint....bring your own salt, pepper & coffee. You will definately need to rent a car :-) Enjoy!

6/10 (普通)

Lori、Minneapolis, MN, USA

気になった点 : スタッフとサービス
Room OK, management shady
2/2013: The advertised builiding is under construction, you will not be staying in that building. DISAPPOINTING, but room is basically still as advertised; studio w/ full kitchen and washer/dryer in unit. . FYI, a car is a MUST!! It is not a convienent walk to closest beach or anything for that matter! Last tube TV known to mankind! Very limited channels, wirelss did not work. I have to say no for a recommendation only because if you run into ANY problems, good luck getting them fixed!! The "office" is right next door, supposed to be open M-F 9-4; however when we checked out on Friday, there was no one there (convienently) to refund our $20 deposit for beach towels. Waited for 1 1/2 hour for owner that didn't show, then she refused to mail "only $20" back to me. Bad way to end an otherwise great 10 day vacation. Marco (maintenence/securtiy?) is great!! Would not stay here again, due to experience with management staff. (Miss Stephanie)

4/10 (不満)


気になった点 : スタッフとサービス
Very disaponting
We arrived around 9pm to T&C and they said that since they didn't have staff working late they would leave the keys in a cristal box by the office. well we arrived and there was no key. Fortunately the taxi driver helped us calling them to let them know we where there. If it wasn't for him would would had to wait in the dark for them to come. It only took 5 minutes for them to arrive but it wasn't very nice. We actually didn't stay at the building showed in the pictures. The building was under construction so they accommodated us on a house next to the building. It felt a lot smaller than what's showed in the pictures. Ok, next the wifi didn't work. Initially the lady told us we needed to get out to the back porch to get reception, tha was really disappointing. You want to have access inside the room too! Even trying to connect to the wifi outside was not possible, the password was wrong!!! We checked with the guests door and they had the same problem. Thankfully it was only one night and we went to a better hotel after that. This place as it is now is not worth what we paid. Very disappointing.

8/10 (良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス
Fine for the dough
For the price, and that is the key, it a pretty good deal. Club Carib was just what I expected, thanks to these reviews. Definitely need a rental car. Staff was helpful, but not around that much. It is a safe area. No cooking facilities, just a refrig (at least in my unit). 2nd floor units are reached by a spiral iron stair. Not easy to use at all. Esp. with suitcases.

4/10 (不満)

frequent traveller

良かった点 : 清潔度、客室の快適度
気になった点 : スタッフとサービス
isolated - only suitable with rental car
Arrived at night, no lights on about the complex, key was left in a box on the office door (unsecure), and room was some distance from the office in the dark.

8/10 (良い)

Michael、North Carolina, USA

良かった点 : 清潔度、客室の快適度
気になった点 : スタッフとサービス
Great cozy place and allows you to save some cash
This is NOT a hotel...this is a condo and the owner is selling it as a hotel. It is very nice inside though, there is a full kitchen, a balcony overlooking the golf course, a bathroom and bedroom with a comfortable bed. The A/C works fine making the room nice and cool at night. This hotel is not on Grace Bay so you must have a car (I recommend a car anyway for the whole island) to get to Grace Bay or anywhere else for that matter. It is in a secure and calm neighborhood, I never felt like someone would break in or bother us (and no one did!) The owner is always around so if you are needing something he should be able to help you. The person that checks you in is not there but upon request so don't bother looking for him if you need something done.. We came into Provo around 1PM and we didn't get a hold of the apartment manager until 6PM that evening...but once we check in things were fine. If you are looking for direct beach access then book your stay at a resort but if you are wanting to save A LOT of money and willing to drive book your stay at the Crib Club.

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、施設のコンディションと設備、客室の快適度

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、客室の快適度
Great price and out of the way
We enjoyed our stay at Carib Club. We had a full kitchen and washer & dryer. The bedroom was seperate from the living room/kitchen area. The bed was comfortable and I have back problems that were not at all bothersome while there. They did not provide maid service during our week long stay, but I just washed the bathroom towels myself. I am sure that clean ones would have been provided if we asked, but we prefer our privacy and we were quite pleased. We had a very relaxing time and our suite was very quiet. I would recommend a rental car if you are wanting to visit the beaches and do shopping.

6/10 (普通)


良かった点 : 清潔度、客室の快適度
気になった点 : スタッフとサービス
Good value for the money
Important points to keep in mind: - beach is 5 min away by car - that beach is popular with wind-surfers; may not be convenient to swim - Nobody and I mean nobody (including useless Hertz staff) can tell you how to find the place. And calling the office did not help either. No one answers the phone at 2:00 PM on Saturday.. -large enough for 2-3 people. -Not much of the view -Fraction of the price compared to other options

6/10 (普通)


良かった点 : 清潔度
Carib Club Providenciales Turks & Caicos
The Carib, Providenciales Turks & Caicos is a newer, clean building. There is nothing to do in this area except stay in your room. The homesuite rooms only have a futons rather than standard beds. The workers are pleasant and accommodating but the owners often leaves with keys and tools, etc. and staff may not be able to assist you with issue at hand. My advise is to find accommodations on or near Grace Bay Beach, if you prefer to stay in this region.

6/10 (普通)

Looking for affordability

良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、客室の快適度
Better Rent a Car to Stay Here
The young lady in the front office was phenomenal! We were unable to rent a car (sold out!) and discovered that this place is no where near a beach. She helped us rent bicycles (one was good; the other was terrible) so we could ride a couple of miles to the beach. She also helped contact the airport about delivering delayed luggage. She arranged a taxi for us to get to the airport. Very helpful, capable and friendly.

10/10 (非常に良い)

Gordon、East Suburbs, Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands.

良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス、施設のコンディションと設備、客室の快適度
All was well.

8/10 (良い)

Couple、Seattle, WA

良かった点 : 清潔度、スタッフとサービス
Turks and Caicos was FAB!
The Carib Club is not a 'hotel', it is condominiums #studios, one-bedroom# and it is not located on the beach thus you really need a car if you are going to stay here. It's a great value and the place is clean, but you need a car to get to and from the beach, stores, restaurants, etc. as it's not really safe to be walking on the main roads at night #risk getting hit by a car# and it's too hot during the day to be outside walking around in the sun. We stayed in one of the studio condos #B102#. I thought it wierd that the sliding glass door did not have a lock on it, but the maintenance help quickly fixed the situation and provided us with a work-around safety measure by jamming wood under the door to prevent it from opening. The condo we stayed in was very basic, meaning there is not a lot of extras provided in the room/kitchen #i.e. very limited kitchen utensils, pots and pans#, but all in all it was fine and we made due. Word of caution, if you are a light sleeper, ask for a condo unit that you do not have anyone living or staying above you as we could hear the people above us walking, talking, etc. The maintenance staff at Carib Club were amazing and very helpful and did everything they could to make our stay memorable and enjoyable #hats down to the maintenance guy there as he is a very hard worker#. I definitely will return to TCI and will consider the Carib Club again, but it would have been nice to be on a beach.