ワディラム:2時間のラクダ乗り 日没/日の出 泊
提供者 : Wadi Rum Fire Camp
10 段階中 10キャンセル料無料
大人 1 名あたり
- キャンセル料無料
- 1 日
- モバイルバウチャー
- すぐに予約確定
- 一度に最大4名様までの少人数制の親密なラクダツアーをお楽しみください。
- 地元のベドウィンの生活を体験する本格的なワディ・ラムへの旅
- 壮大なワディ・ラムの夕暮れ時のラクダの旅をお楽しみください。
- 美味しいビュッフェ料理とコンチネンタルブレックファストをお楽しみください。
- ユネスコ世界遺産で星空観察しながら一夜を過ごすチャンス
- Aqaba
- Aqaba, Aqaba Governorate, Jordan
集合 / 利用場所
- HCH9+2W6, Wadi Rum Village, Jordan | The Wadi Rum Rest House is located in Wadi Rum Village, a 6 km drive from Wadi Rum Visitor Centre. Free parking is available beside the Rest House. Upon arrival at the Wadi Rum Visitor Centre, you will be required to show your Jordan Pass or pay 5 JD entrance fee. It won't be wrong since there is only one road that can be used. After visitor centre, keep driving down this road until you reach Wadi Rum Village. The location of the meet up is the Wadi Rum Rest House as indicated on the reservation maps. At Wadi Rum Rest House, our guide will be awaiting your arrival and will request the name that was provided on the reservation. All customer need to go wadi rum village for pick up, we don't pick any guest at anywhere else not in wadi rum village. Your voucher must be presented prior to the start of the tour.
- Wadi Rum Village, Aqaba Governorate, Jordan
1日目、ワディラム:2時間のラクダ乗り 日没/日の出 アラビア語泊
- 1 日
- アラビア語
言語 : アラビア語
大人 1 名 x ¥9,232¥9,232
含まれるもの / 含まれないもの
- ワディラム保護区内のベドウィン専用テントにて1泊
- ガイド兼ドライバー
- ビーガン・ベジタリアン対応
- 指定のピックアップポイントから集合場所までの往復送迎
- 2時間のラクダ乗り
- 朝食1回
- 1 夕食
- ボトルウォーター
- ベドウィン紅茶とコーヒー
- すべての手数料と税金
- ワディ・ラム保護区への入場(7 JD
- 個人経費
- ホテル送迎
- 禁止ヌード
- 不向きな方体重220ポンド(100kg)以上の方、心臓疾患のある方、妊娠中の方、車椅子をご利用の方
- Aqaba
- Aqaba, Aqaba Governorate, Jordan
集合 / 利用場所
- HCH9+2W6, Wadi Rum Village, Jordan | The Wadi Rum Rest House is located in Wadi Rum Village, a 6 km drive from Wadi Rum Visitor Centre. Free parking is available beside the Rest House. Upon arrival at the Wadi Rum Visitor Centre, you will be required to show your Jordan Pass or pay 5 JD entrance fee. It won't be wrong since there is only one road that can be used. After visitor centre, keep driving down this road until you reach Wadi Rum Village. The location of the meet up is the Wadi Rum Rest House as indicated on the reservation maps. At Wadi Rum Rest House, our guide will be awaiting your arrival and will request the name that was provided on the reservation. All customer need to go wadi rum village for pick up, we don't pick any guest at anywhere else not in wadi rum village. Your voucher must be presented prior to the start of the tour.
- Wadi Rum Village, Aqaba Governorate, Jordan