提供者 : Dimensione Lirica
10 段階中 9.6キャンセル料無料
大人 1 名あたり
- キャンセル料無料
- 2 時間
- モバイルバウチャー
- すぐに予約確定
- 多言語
- オペラを楽しむための新しいフォーマット。
- 歌い手との距離を感じさせない、親密なパフォーマンスを体験できる
- ベネチアの「パラッツォ」を探検し、有名な大運河を見下ろす景色を眺める
- ティエポロの絵画やスタッコで飾られたパラッツォの部屋を見学する。
- 1800年代から続く芸術を、プロのアンサンブルの演奏で聴く
- Venice
- Venice, Veneto, Italy
集合 / 利用場所
- Palazzo Barbarigo-Minotto, Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo, 30124 Venezia VE, Italia. The venue is located near Campo Santa Maria del Giglio, a square on the main walking route connecting Piazza San Marco and the Accademia Bridge. The closest landmark is the Chiesa di Santa Maria del Giglio; on the rear side of the church there is a small bridge leading to Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo (on the wall past the bridge there are two signs: a white one and a yellow one). Cross the bridge and follow the small road along the small canal to the left. Turn right when you are in front of the sign "Sotoportego Barbarigo". The entrance is the last gate (n. 2504) on the left, under a vault.
- Venezia, Veneto, Italy
複数の集合 / 利用場所があります。詳細については「場所」のセクションをご覧ください。
- 2 時間
- 英語
リゴレット』は、ジュゼッペ・ヴェルディによる全3幕のオペラです。イタリア語のリブレットは、ヴィクトル・ユーゴーの1832年の戯曲「Le roi s'amuse」をもとにフランチェスコ・マリア・ピアーヴェが書きました。
開始時刻 : 20:30
大人 1 名 x ¥15,177¥15,177
含まれるもの / 含まれないもの
- ムジカ・ア・パラッツォのメンバーズカード
- 第1インターバルにグラスワイン(またはソフトドリンク)1杯をプレゼント
- 食品(敷地内への持ち込みは不可)
- 事前指定席(ご来店時にお客様ご自身でお選びいただきます。)
- 不可です:食べ物
- Venice
- Venice, Veneto, Italy
集合 / 利用場所
- Palazzo Barbarigo-Minotto, Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo, 30124 Venezia VE, Italia. The venue is located near Campo Santa Maria del Giglio, a square on the main walking route connecting Piazza San Marco and the Accademia Bridge. The closest landmark is the Chiesa di Santa Maria del Giglio; on the rear side of the church there is a small bridge leading to Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo (on the wall past the bridge there are two signs: a white one and a yellow one). Cross the bridge and follow the small road along the small canal to the left. Turn right when you are in front of the sign "Sotoportego Barbarigo". The entrance is the last gate (n. 2504) on the left, under a vault.
- Venezia, Veneto, Italy
- Palazzo Barbarigo-Minotto, Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo, 30124 Venezia VE, Italia. The venue is located near Campo Santa Maria del Giglio, a square on the main walking route connecting Piazza San Marco and the Accademia Bridge. The closest landmark is the Chiesa di Santa Maria del Giglio; on the rear side of the church there is a small bridge leading to Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo (on the wall past the bridge there are two signs: a white one and a yellow one). Cross the bridge and follow the small road along the small canal to the left. Turn right when you are in front of the sign "Sotoportego Barbarigo". The entrance is the last gate (n. 2504) on the left, under a vault.
- Venezia, Veneto, Italy
- Palazzo Barbarigo-Minotto, Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo, 30124 Venezia VE, Italia. The venue is located near Campo Santa Maria del Giglio, a square on the main walking route connecting Piazza San Marco and the Accademia Bridge. The closest landmark is the Chiesa di Santa Maria del Giglio; on the rear side of the church there is a small bridge leading to Fondamenta Duodo o Barbarigo (on the wall past the bridge there are two signs: a white one and a yellow one). Cross the bridge and follow the small road along the small canal to the left. Turn right when you are in front of the sign "Sotoportego Barbarigo". The entrance is the last gate (n. 2504) on the left, under a vault.
- Venezia, Veneto, Italy