提供者 : WildX Adventures
10 段階中 10キャンセル料無料
大人 1 名あたり
- キャンセル料無料
- 1 時間 30 分
- モバイルバウチャー
- すぐに予約確定
- 巨大な砂丘を滑り降りる、この上ない快感を体験してください。
- サンドボードとバンボードのどちらかをお選びいただけます。
- 経験は必要なし
- Cape Town
- Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
集合 / 利用場所
- 0 Dassenberg Dr, Atlantis, Cape Town, 7349, South Africa | PLEASE NOTE ARRIVAL TIME IS 30MIN BEFORE YOUR SCHEDULED RIDE START TIME This time is for helmet fitting, administration, permit purchasing as well as your instruction and safety Briefing. Your booking forms part of a group. This is not a private ride and there are others on the same slot and ride. LATE ARRIVALS OR NO SHOW FORFEITS YOUR BOOKING. FULL COMPANY CANCELLATION POLICY APPLIES TO YOUR BOOKING. Please note Quad ride time advertised includes Admin, Instruction and Safety Briefing of about 10min. Please note that alcohol and drugs are not allowed on the premises and you will not be allowed to take part in any of our tours/activities if under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. PLEASE NOTE THAT ATLANTIS DUNES IS INSIDE THE WITZANDS AQUIFER NATURE RESERVE. ENTRANCE PERMITS ARE PAYABLE ON ARRIVAL Lookout for us just in front of the main entrance gate at the Dunes - all our vehicles and Team will be here to meet you. Our Vehicles are marked with Company name and Logos
- Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
究極のサンドボーディング アトランティス・デューンズ
- 1 時間 30 分
- 英語
言語 : 英語
開始時刻 : 16:00
大人 2 名 x ¥4,125¥8,250
含まれるもの / 含まれないもの
- 究極のサンドボード体験。
- ヴィッツァンス保護区入口から砂丘までの交通手段提供
- Witzands自然保護区の入場許可証はお一人様一枚となり、ご到着時にお支払いください。
- 禁止事項アルコール・薬物、ドローン
- こんな方には不向きです:腰痛持ちの方
- Cape Town
- Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
集合 / 利用場所
- 0 Dassenberg Dr, Atlantis, Cape Town, 7349, South Africa | PLEASE NOTE ARRIVAL TIME IS 30MIN BEFORE YOUR SCHEDULED RIDE START TIME This time is for helmet fitting, administration, permit purchasing as well as your instruction and safety Briefing. Your booking forms part of a group. This is not a private ride and there are others on the same slot and ride. LATE ARRIVALS OR NO SHOW FORFEITS YOUR BOOKING. FULL COMPANY CANCELLATION POLICY APPLIES TO YOUR BOOKING. Please note Quad ride time advertised includes Admin, Instruction and Safety Briefing of about 10min. Please note that alcohol and drugs are not allowed on the premises and you will not be allowed to take part in any of our tours/activities if under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. PLEASE NOTE THAT ATLANTIS DUNES IS INSIDE THE WITZANDS AQUIFER NATURE RESERVE. ENTRANCE PERMITS ARE PAYABLE ON ARRIVAL Lookout for us just in front of the main entrance gate at the Dunes - all our vehicles and Team will be here to meet you. Our Vehicles are marked with Company name and Logos
- Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa