New Orleans: 2‐Hour Paranormal Investigation Tour
Picture 6 for Activity New Orleans: 2‐Hour Paranormal Investigation Tour
Picture 7 for Activity New Orleans: 2‐Hour Paranormal Investigation Tour
Picture 5 for Activity New Orleans: 2‐Hour Paranormal Investigation Tour
Picture 9 for Activity New Orleans: 2‐Hour Paranormal Investigation Tour


提供者 : Show Me New Orleans Tours | New Orleans Drunk History Tours
料金は¥5,244です 大人 1 名あたり
  • キャンセル料無料
  • 2 時間
  • モバイルバウチャー
  • すぐに予約確定
  • アメリカで最も呪われた街で超常現象を調査
  • ニューオーリンズの12の心霊スポットへ
  • 一日アマチュア・ゴーストハンターに
  • 地元のガイドから超常現象について学びます。
  • フレンチ・クォーターの70以上のブロックを探索


    • New Orleans
    • New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

集合 / 利用場所

    • 941 Bourbon St, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA | EVENTBRITE special instructions Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns: Show Me New Orleans New Orleans Drunk History Tours Email:reservations@neworleansdrunkhistorytours.com TOUR MEETING - DEPARTURE LOCATION Please meet your guide on the sidewalk at the gate of the courtyard attached to the Legendary Lafittes Blacksmith Shop Bar located at 941 Bourbon Street New Orleans Louisiana 70116. *** Tours do not meet inside Lafittes Blacksmith Shop Bar. Please meet your guide on the sidewalk at the gate of the courtyard attached to the bar *** We are not affiliated with Lafittes Blacksmith Bar and bartenders do not work for us or have any information regarding our tours. TICKETS ARE SOLD FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. All sales are final and incur 100% cancellation penalties. No refunds for any reason including weather or any other act of God, any situation that may arise.
    • New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

複数の集合 / 利用場所があります。詳細については「場所」のセクションをご覧ください。


  • 現地ツアーの所要時間は2時間です2 時間
    2 時間
  • 英語
言語 : 英語
大人 1 名 x ¥5,244¥5,244

  • 現地ツアーの所要時間は2時間です2 時間
    2 時間
  • 英語


言語 : 英語
1 名 x ¥73,047¥73,047


含まれるもの / 含まれないもの

  • 含まれているもの含まれているもの地元のガイド








    • New Orleans
    • New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

集合 / 利用場所

    • 941 Bourbon St, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA | EVENTBRITE special instructions Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns: Show Me New Orleans New Orleans Drunk History Tours Email:reservations@neworleansdrunkhistorytours.com TOUR MEETING - DEPARTURE LOCATION Please meet your guide on the sidewalk at the gate of the courtyard attached to the Legendary Lafittes Blacksmith Shop Bar located at 941 Bourbon Street New Orleans Louisiana 70116. *** Tours do not meet inside Lafittes Blacksmith Shop Bar. Please meet your guide on the sidewalk at the gate of the courtyard attached to the bar *** We are not affiliated with Lafittes Blacksmith Bar and bartenders do not work for us or have any information regarding our tours. TICKETS ARE SOLD FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. All sales are final and incur 100% cancellation penalties. No refunds for any reason including weather or any other act of God, any situation that may arise.
    • New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
    • 941 Bourbon St, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA | EVENTBRITE special instructions Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns: Show Me New Orleans New Orleans Drunk History Tours Email:reservations@neworleansdrunkhistorytours.com TOUR MEETING - DEPARTURE LOCATION Please meet your guide on the sidewalk at the gate of the courtyard attached to the Legendary Lafittes Blacksmith Shop Bar located at 941 Bourbon Street New Orleans Louisiana 70116. *** Tours do not meet inside Lafittes Blacksmith Shop Bar. Please meet your guide on the sidewalk at the gate of the courtyard attached to the bar *** We are not affiliated with Lafittes Blacksmith Bar and bartenders do not work for us or have any information regarding our tours. TICKETS ARE SOLD FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. All sales are final and incur 100% cancellation penalties. No refunds for any reason including weather or any other act of God, any situation that may arise.
    • New Orleans, Louisiana, United States