- モバイルバウチャー
- すぐに予約確定
- 厳選されたブティックワインを飲みながら、タホ湖の美しさを発見してください。
- タホ湖をクルーズしながらヴィンテージのクリス・クラフト・ベネチアン・ウォーター・タクシーでリラックス
- 少人数制でエメラルド・ベイのボート・クルーズを楽しみながら、ワインをテイスティング。
- Lake Tahoe
- Sierra Nevada, California, United States
集合 / 利用場所
- 2435 Venice Dr E, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150, USA | Guests will check in at the boat, the "Golden Rose," which is located on the Rubicon dock. The Rubicon dock is located on the northeast side of the marina parking lot, next to the boat launch ramp and the large white flagpole with the American flag. Follow the Rubicon dock all the way down to the green gate on your right, about 250 yards. The boat launch is located near the tall white flag pole, you'll see a sign that says "Water Ski School" on a black post, that is the entrance to the Rubicon Dock. Once you’re on the Rubicon dock walk all the way down. Call the activity provider if you are lost. Traffic can be congested on Hwy 50/Lake Tahoe Blvd; please plan accordingly and give yourself plenty of time to get to the boat dock on time. It is not uncommon for it to take 30 minutes or more to get from the casinos to the marina.
- South Lake Tahoe, California, United States
複数の集合 / 利用場所があります。詳細については「場所」のセクションをご覧ください。
申し訳ありません。この現地ツアーは 11 月 15 日 (金) には利用できません
含まれるもの / 含まれないもの
- エメラルド湾観光クルーズ
- 8種類のブティックワインの試飲
- 追加ワイン(グラスまたはボトルで購入可能)
- チップ
- 食料/軽食(自宅から持参、またはマリーナで購入可)
- 不可ペット、喫煙
- 次の方には適していません:21歳未満の方
食べ物のオプションTahoe Keys MarinaにあるPirate's Chest Tahoeでは、サンドイッチ、チーズ、ディップ、チップス、フムス、サラミ、出来合いのシャルキュトリーなど、ワイン・テイスティング・クルーズのお供に最適なお食事をご用意しております!ビーガン、ベジタリアン、グルテンフリーのメニューもあります。店の外にある等身大の海賊と旗を探してみてください。お好きなスナックをお持ちいただいても結構です。
- Lake Tahoe
- Sierra Nevada, California, United States
集合 / 利用場所
- 2435 Venice Dr E, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150, USA | Guests will check in at the boat, the "Golden Rose," which is located on the Rubicon dock. The Rubicon dock is located on the northeast side of the marina parking lot, next to the boat launch ramp and the large white flagpole with the American flag. Follow the Rubicon dock all the way down to the green gate on your right, about 250 yards. The boat launch is located near the tall white flag pole, you'll see a sign that says "Water Ski School" on a black post, that is the entrance to the Rubicon Dock. Once you’re on the Rubicon dock walk all the way down. Call the activity provider if you are lost. Traffic can be congested on Hwy 50/Lake Tahoe Blvd; please plan accordingly and give yourself plenty of time to get to the boat dock on time. It is not uncommon for it to take 30 minutes or more to get from the casinos to the marina.
- South Lake Tahoe, California, United States
- 2435 Venice Dr E, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150, USA | Guests will check in at the boat, the "Golden Rose," which is located on the Rubicon dock. The Rubicon dock is located on the northeast side of the marina parking lot, next to the boat launch ramp and the large white flagpole with the American flag. Follow the Rubicon dock all the way down to the green gate on your right, about 250 yards. The boat launch is located near the tall white flag pole, you'll see a sign that says "Water Ski School" on a black post, that is the entrance to the Rubicon Dock. Once you’re on the Rubicon dock walk all the way down. Call the activity provider if you are lost. Traffic can be congested on Hwy 50/Lake Tahoe Blvd; please plan accordingly and give yourself plenty of time to get to the boat dock on time. It is not uncommon for it to take 30 minutes or more to get from the casinos to the marina.
- South Lake Tahoe, California, United States