提供者 : Key West Promotions Inc
10 段階中 10キャンセル料無料
1 名あたり*
*大人 3 名以上で予約すると、料金がさらにお得になります
- キャンセル料無料
- 2 時間
- モバイルバウチャー
- すぐに予約確定
- ティキ・バーのある船上で楽しむ
- 近くの水泳場までクルージングして水浴びをしたり、6×18のフローティングマットを使ったりする。
- 2時間の船旅で太陽を浴びる
- 氷を入れたクーラーで飲み物を冷たく保つ
- Bluetoothステレオで音楽を聴く
- Key West
- Key West, Florida, United States
集合 / 利用場所
- 711 Eisenhower Dr, Key West, FL 33040, USA | Tiki Boat Adventures is located at the Key West City Marina at Garrison Bight The address is 711 Eisenhower Drive, however you will enter from Palm Avenue in Front of the Thai Island restaurant. We are docked at slip #8. Marina parking is free. If you are arriving via Uber, Lyft or Taxi please tell the driver to drop you off at the Thai Island Restaurant and give them the address of 711 Eisenhower Dr, Key West, FL. Tell them to drop you at slip #8. Please do not tell the driver to “drop you off at the tiki boats”. There is a similar tiki barge company at a nearby marina and they will drop you at the wrong place. Please call if you are running late or need last minute directions. We are happy to help. Refunds will not be issued for no shows.
- Key West, Florida, United States
- 2 時間
- 英語
言語 : 英語
1 名 x ¥62,147¥62,147
*大人 3 名以上で予約すると、料金がさらにお得になります
含まれるもの / 含まれないもの
- ティキ・ボート
- 燃料
- 米国沿岸警備隊公認船長
- 氷とボトルウォーター入りクーラー
- ブルートゥース・ステレオ
- 6 x 18フローティングマット
- 無料駐車場
- お食事とお飲み物
- 謝礼・チップ
- ホテルへの出迎え・お見送り
- Key West
- Key West, Florida, United States
集合 / 利用場所
- 711 Eisenhower Dr, Key West, FL 33040, USA | Tiki Boat Adventures is located at the Key West City Marina at Garrison Bight The address is 711 Eisenhower Drive, however you will enter from Palm Avenue in Front of the Thai Island restaurant. We are docked at slip #8. Marina parking is free. If you are arriving via Uber, Lyft or Taxi please tell the driver to drop you off at the Thai Island Restaurant and give them the address of 711 Eisenhower Dr, Key West, FL. Tell them to drop you at slip #8. Please do not tell the driver to “drop you off at the tiki boats”. There is a similar tiki barge company at a nearby marina and they will drop you at the wrong place. Please call if you are running late or need last minute directions. We are happy to help. Refunds will not be issued for no shows.
- Key West, Florida, United States