提供者 : Day Tours London
10 段階中 9キャンセル料無料
大人 1 名あたり
- キャンセル料無料
- 10 時間
- モバイルバウチャー
- すぐに予約確定
- ドーバーの白い崖で、壮大な海岸の景色と風光明媚な散歩を楽しむ
- イングランドの庭園と呼ばれる美しいケント州の田園風景をご覧ください。
- カンタベリー大聖堂を訪れ、この歴史的な街のウォーキングツアーをお楽しみください。
- オプションでドーバー城を訪問 - 入場料は含まれていません。
- 城を訪れない場合は、2時間半かけて断崖絶壁の海岸ウォークをお楽しみください。
- London
- London, England, United Kingdom
集合 / 利用場所
- 148 Queen Victoria St, London EC4V 4BY, UK | BLACKFRIARS. Meeting point is 5 mins walk from the station. Meet at the Bus parking area along from RUDDS BAR. For taxi services and online maps the address to use is 142 Queen Victoria St, BLACKFRIARS, EC4V 4BQ This Meeting point is 3 minutes walk from Blackfriars Underground station. Exit the station and turn right. Walk under the railway bridge and along the main street until you see Rudds bar. Our meeting point is in the bus parking area just along from Rudds bar. Please note: if travelling by mainline train please use the main (North) exit of Blackfriars station where the London Underground exit is located. Toilets are available inside the station behind the WHSmith convenience store. (Please note this location is in the Blackfriars area and not near Victoria station.) USEFUL TIP: the meeting location is also a short 10-15 minute walk from St Paul's Central Line Underground station offering easy access to more areas of London.
- London, England, United Kingdom
- 10 時間
- 英語
言語 : 英語
開始時刻 : 7:30
大人 1 名 x ¥14,127¥14,127
含まれるもの / 含まれないもの
- ドーバーの白い崖の入場料・駐車料金について
- カンタベリーのウォーキングツアー
- ガイド
- 快適なミディコーチによる移動
- お食事とお飲み物
- チップ
- London
- London, England, United Kingdom
集合 / 利用場所
- 148 Queen Victoria St, London EC4V 4BY, UK | BLACKFRIARS. Meeting point is 5 mins walk from the station. Meet at the Bus parking area along from RUDDS BAR. For taxi services and online maps the address to use is 142 Queen Victoria St, BLACKFRIARS, EC4V 4BQ This Meeting point is 3 minutes walk from Blackfriars Underground station. Exit the station and turn right. Walk under the railway bridge and along the main street until you see Rudds bar. Our meeting point is in the bus parking area just along from Rudds bar. Please note: if travelling by mainline train please use the main (North) exit of Blackfriars station where the London Underground exit is located. Toilets are available inside the station behind the WHSmith convenience store. (Please note this location is in the Blackfriars area and not near Victoria station.) USEFUL TIP: the meeting location is also a short 10-15 minute walk from St Paul's Central Line Underground station offering easy access to more areas of London.
- London, England, United Kingdom