Kuala Lumpur: Off the Beaten Track Food Tour
Picture 4 for Activity Kuala Lumpur: Off the Beaten Track Food Tour
Picture 6 for Activity Kuala Lumpur: Off the Beaten Track Food Tour
Picture 3 for Activity Kuala Lumpur: Off the Beaten Track Food Tour
Picture 5 for Activity Kuala Lumpur: Off the Beaten Track Food Tour


提供者 : Simply Enak - Food Experiences
料金は¥9,534です 大人 1 名あたり
  • キャンセル料無料
  • 4 時間
  • モバイルバウチャー
  • すぐに予約確定
  • 文化が混ざり合うマレーシア料理を体験
  • クアラルンプール最大級のウェットマーケットを訪問
  • インド・マレー料理の試食
  • クアラルンプールの戦前の建物を探訪
  • 最も悪名高いフルーツ、ドリアン


    • Kuala Lumpur
    • Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

集合 / 利用場所

    • 449, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Chow Kit, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Chow Kit station, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The best way to get to the meeting point is by train (KL Monorail line). Get off at Chow Kit Monorail Station (MR10) and exit the station on your left via the staircase. The myNEWS.com convenience store is located on your left once you exit the Chow Kit Monorail train platform. By taxi: request for the taxi driver to drop you at Hotel Sahara Inn or Chow Kit Monorail Station at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Find the Chow Kit Monorail Station escalators (which is just next to the road junctions) and go towards the ticket machines. You will see myNEWS.com convenience store on your right. Wait at the meeting point for your guide (with a blue batch). Take the opportunity and get some bottles of water to keep yourself hydrated in the hot and humid Malaysian weather. Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of the activity. If you have trouble locating the meeting point/guide, please contact the local parter.
    • Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


  • 現地ツアーの所要時間は4時間です4 時間
    4 時間
  • 英語
言語 : 英語
大人 2 名 x ¥9,534¥19,068


含まれるもの / 含まれないもの

  • 含まれているもの含まれているものプロフェッショナルでフレンドリーなガイド
  • 含まれているもの含まれているもの 厳選された屋台でのお食事とお飲み物
  • 含まれていないもの含まれていないもの集合場所までの送迎
  • 含まれていないもの含まれていないもの アルコール飲料とお土産





    • Kuala Lumpur
    • Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

集合 / 利用場所

    • 449, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Chow Kit, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Chow Kit station, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The best way to get to the meeting point is by train (KL Monorail line). Get off at Chow Kit Monorail Station (MR10) and exit the station on your left via the staircase. The myNEWS.com convenience store is located on your left once you exit the Chow Kit Monorail train platform. By taxi: request for the taxi driver to drop you at Hotel Sahara Inn or Chow Kit Monorail Station at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Find the Chow Kit Monorail Station escalators (which is just next to the road junctions) and go towards the ticket machines. You will see myNEWS.com convenience store on your right. Wait at the meeting point for your guide (with a blue batch). Take the opportunity and get some bottles of water to keep yourself hydrated in the hot and humid Malaysian weather. Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of the activity. If you have trouble locating the meeting point/guide, please contact the local parter.
    • Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia