提供者 : Starboard Boats
10 段階中 9.2キャンセル料無料
大人 1 名あたり
- キャンセル料無料
- 1 時間
- モバイルバウチャー
- すぐに予約確定
- 冷たいドリンクを片手にアムステルダムの有名な運河をクルーズ
- 豪華な電動ボートで、お友達やご家族と充実した時間をお過ごしください。
- 1時間のクルーズで、街に繰り出す前に飲み放題
- シティセンターまたはレッドライトディストリクトの出発地点からスタートします。
- Amsterdam
- Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
集合 / 利用場所
- Amstel 178, 1017 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands | Find the person dressed in the blue outfit that says Starboard at the meeting point Amstel 178 If you booked our 2 drinks option, you will not not receive the Unlimited Drinks package. However if this is the case, you can always upgrade when arriving to the boat. v
- Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
複数の集合 / 利用場所があります。詳細については「場所」のセクションをご覧ください。
- 1 時間
- 英語
言語 : 英語
大人 1 名 x ¥3,521¥3,521
含まれるもの / 含まれないもの
- ブーズ・クルーズ
- スキッパー
- 催行業者
- オープンバー(オプション選択時)
- ドリンク2杯(オプションを選択した場合)
- こんな方には不向きです:18歳未満のお子様、車椅子をご利用の方
- Amsterdam
- Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
集合 / 利用場所
- Amstel 178, 1017 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands | Find the person dressed in the blue outfit that says Starboard at the meeting point Amstel 178 If you booked our 2 drinks option, you will not not receive the Unlimited Drinks package. However if this is the case, you can always upgrade when arriving to the boat. v
- Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
- Amstel 178, 1017 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands | Find the person dressed in the blue outfit that says Starboard at the meeting point Amstel 178 If you booked our 2 drinks option, you will not not receive the Unlimited Drinks package. However if this is the case, you can always upgrade when arriving to the boat. v
- Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
- Oudezijds Voorburgwal 230, 1012 GK Amsterdam, Nederland | Find the local partner and your skipper at the meeting point. The local staff will be dressed in blue. Please show your voucher to your host at the start of the tour. Please keep in mind that late guests will not be waited for. No refunds are available for late guests. On busy days there may be some delays due to traffic.
- Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
- Oudezijds Voorburgwal 230, 1012 GK Amsterdam, Nederland | Find the local partner and your skipper at the meeting point. The local staff will be dressed in blue. Please show your voucher to your host at the start of the tour. Please keep in mind that late guests will not be waited for. No refunds are available for late guests. On busy days there may be some delays due to traffic.
- Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
- Oudezijds Voorburgwal 230, 1012 GK Amsterdam, Nederland | Find the local partner and your skipper at the meeting point. The local staff will be dressed in blue. Please show your voucher to your host at the start of the tour. Please keep in mind that late guests will not be waited for. No refunds are available for late guests. On busy days there may be some delays due to traffic.
- Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands