提供者 : Wild Coast Boat Cruise
10 段階中 10キャンセル料無料
大人 1 名あたり
- キャンセル料無料
- 30 分
- モバイルバウチャー
- すぐに予約確定
- 景色が良く、楽しく、リラックスできるボートライド
- ボートクルーズのドライバーによる素晴らしいガイド体験
- ウムタンブナ川は美しく、ビーチ、自然、風光明媚な橋を通過します。
- ご家族やご友人と楽しむボートツアー
- Port Edward
- Port Edward, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
集合 / 利用場所
- Lot 80 Holiday Rd, Banners Rest, Port Edward, 4295, South Africa | Check in for your cruise at the Umtanvuna River Lodge on Holiday Road. From Durban: Take the N2 South (past Port Shepstone) until you reach Port Edward (becomes South Coast Road). Turn right into Izingolweni Road, keep left (Drive for approx 2.4 km). Then turn left into Old Pont Road (Drive for approx 2.5 km). We are on the left near the bottom of the hill... turn left onto our dirt road at the big Umtamvuna River Lodge sign board From Wild Coast Sun: Go over the bridge drive until you reach Port Edward (The traffic lights) (The KFC and Caltex is in your right). Turn left into Izingolweni Road, keep left (Drive for approx 2.4 km). Then turn left into Old Pont Road (Drive for approx 2.5 km). We are on the left near the bottom of the hill... turn left onto our dirt road at the big Umtamvuna River Lodge sign board. If you reach the Old Pont caravan park you have gone too far. Turn around and then you will need to turn right onto our road.
- Port Edward, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- 30 分
- 英語
言語 : 英語
大人 2 名 x ¥1,596¥3,192
含まれるもの / 含まれないもの
- ボートクルーズ
- 船長とガイド
- 救命胴衣(お子様には着用が義務付けられています)
- お食事とお飲み物
- 日焼け止め
- 帽子
- 禁止されています:酔っている
- 以下の人には適しません: 既存の病状がある人
- Port Edward
- Port Edward, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
集合 / 利用場所
- Lot 80 Holiday Rd, Banners Rest, Port Edward, 4295, South Africa | Check in for your cruise at the Umtanvuna River Lodge on Holiday Road. From Durban: Take the N2 South (past Port Shepstone) until you reach Port Edward (becomes South Coast Road). Turn right into Izingolweni Road, keep left (Drive for approx 2.4 km). Then turn left into Old Pont Road (Drive for approx 2.5 km). We are on the left near the bottom of the hill... turn left onto our dirt road at the big Umtamvuna River Lodge sign board From Wild Coast Sun: Go over the bridge drive until you reach Port Edward (The traffic lights) (The KFC and Caltex is in your right). Turn left into Izingolweni Road, keep left (Drive for approx 2.4 km). Then turn left into Old Pont Road (Drive for approx 2.5 km). We are on the left near the bottom of the hill... turn left onto our dirt road at the big Umtamvuna River Lodge sign board. If you reach the Old Pont caravan park you have gone too far. Turn around and then you will need to turn right onto our road.
- Port Edward, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa