
最大12名のオーシャンコーブアドベンチャー! 2020年の夏に数週間しか利用できません!

Oceanfront Cove Adventure for up to 12. Gorgeous setting. 500’ of waterfront.

最大12名のオーシャンコーブアドベンチャー! 2020年の夏に数週間しか利用できません!の写真ギャラリー





ベッドルーム 4 室バスルーム 2 室定員 12 名234 ㎡


  • 洗濯機
  • バーベキューグリル
  • 駐車場利用可
  • 屋外スペース
  • キッチン
  • 乾燥機




最大12名のオーシャンコーブアドベンチャー! 2020年の夏に数週間しか利用できません!

これからロビンハウスを夏と秋の一部にしましょう! 海岸線にあるプライベートな森の設定は、潮の満ち引きを見るのに最適です。 森の小道を曲がりくねってアラガシュという名の大きな岩まで日の出と日没を楽しみましょう! 4ベッドルームのマルチレベルホームには、1階にマスターベッドルーム(クイーン)とフルバス、3ベッドルーム(4ベッドバンクルームを含む!) 2階に! 客室1:ダブル。 客室2:ツイン2台と布団1台。 客室3:二段ベッド形式のシングル3台とダブル1台。 2階にはフルバスもあります。 暖炉、電子レンジと調理器具を備えた設備の整ったキッチン、洗濯機と乾燥機、VCR、DVR、インデンのDirectTV、ワイヤレスインターネット、マルチレベルデッキ、ガスグリル、屋外の座席が、夏の休暇をさらに充実させます。 10 '+の潮で絶えず変化する海をお楽しみください。 海で泳いだり、ファインサンドビーチでリラックスしたり、岩の採石場で泳いだりしてください。 地元の市場でロブスターを購入したり、アサリやムール貝を掘ります! スワンズアイランドが提供するサプライズをお楽しみください。また、スワンズアイランドに行くためにバスハーバーから取るヘンリーリーフェリーで最初から魅了されます。 あなたの子供たちは毎年戻ってくるようにあなたに懇願するでしょう....ここでは、潮の満ち引きを見ながらロブスターを食べることができます。



John and Susan Clause






  • ビーチ
  • ビーチタオル


  • 一軒家で利用可能 : WiFi


  • 車 (要)
  • 敷地内の駐車場


  • アイランドキッチン
  • エビまたはカニ取り用のなわかご
  • オーブン
  • コーヒー / ティーメーカー
  • コーヒーミル
  • コンロ
  • トースター
  • ペーパータオル
  • ミキサー
  • 香辛料
  • 食器洗い機
  • 製氷機
  • 調理器具および食器類
  • 電気ケトル
  • 電子レンジ
  • 冷蔵庫


  • ダイニングテーブル


  • ベッドシーツあり
  • ベッドルーム 4 室


  • シャワー
  • タオルあり
  • トイレットペーパー
  • バスルーム 2 室
  • 石鹸
  • 浴槽またはシャワー


  • ダイニングテーブル
  • リビングルーム


  • DVD プレーヤー
  • ゲーム
  • スマートテレビ
  • ビデオライブラリ


  • ガスグリル
  • バルコニー
  • 屋外用家具
  • 庭園


  • 洗濯機 / 乾燥機


  • デスク
  • デスクチェア


  • 暖房


  • ペットとの宿泊不可

対象 / バリアフリー

  • 全館禁煙
  • オーナーからの注記事項 : Smoking allowed outside only.


  • 電話


  • ウォーターフロントに位置
  • マリーナの近く
  • 海の近く


  • カヤック
  • サイクリングコース (近隣)
  • スイミング (近隣)
  • バードウォッチング (近隣)
  • ハイキング / サイクリングコース (近隣)
  • モーターボート (近隣)
  • 釣り場 (近隣)
  • 野生動物探索ウォーク (近隣)


  • 一酸化炭素検知器 (オーナーによると、施設には一酸化炭素検知器があります)
  • 煙感知器 (オーナーによると、施設には煙感知器があります)
  • 救急箱
  • 消火器
  • デッドボルトロック (本締り錠)


  • ユニットサイズ : 234 平方メートル
  • 庭園





チェックイン : 16:00 以降
チェックインの最低年齢 : 30 歳


チェックアウト終了時刻 : 10:00





お子様およびエキストラ ベッドのご利用について




場合により、チェックイン時に政府発行の写真付き身分証明書と付随費用精算のためのクレジットカード / デビットカードのご提示、または現金でのデポジットのお支払いが必要です
この施設は弊社のパートナー企業 Vrbo (バーボ) が管理しており、Vrbo より、予約を変更・キャンセルする場合にご利用いただく Vrbo アカウントへのリンクを記載したメールが届きます




Ocean Cove Adventure for up to 12.
Oceanfront Cove Adventure for up to 12.
Ocean Cove Adventure for up to 12! Now booking Summer of 2021!!


ME, Swans Island


  • アーカディア国立公園 - 車で 79 分 - 19.7 km
  • ベース ハーバー ヘッド灯台 - 車で 80 分 - 19.9 km
  • Acadia National Park's Visitors Center - 車で 98 分 - 40.3 km
  • バー ハーバー ホエール ウォッチング - 車で 103 分 - 45.8 km
  • キャデラック山 - 車で 112 分 - 50.2 km


  • ハンコック郡 - バー ハーバー空港 (BHB) から車で 102 分


  • ‪Swan's Island Tea Room - ‬車で 8 分
  • ‪Swans Island Fishermens Co-Op Pound - ‬車で 10 分
  • ‪Boathouse Gifts & Take Out - ‬車で 10 分
  • ‪Captain's Galley - ‬車で 12 分


最大12名のオーシャンコーブアドベンチャー! 2020年の夏に数週間しか利用できません!はペットと宿泊できますか ?


最大12名のオーシャンコーブアドベンチャー! 2020年の夏に数週間しか利用できません!のチェックインは何時ですか ?

チェックイン開始は 16:00 です。

最大12名のオーシャンコーブアドベンチャー! 2020年の夏に数週間しか利用できません!のチェックアウトは何時ですか ?

チェックアウトは 10:00 です。

最大12名のオーシャンコーブアドベンチャー! 2020年の夏に数週間しか利用できません!はどこにありますか ?

スワンズ アイランドのこのバケーションホームはビーチに位置し、スピンドル コーブから 6.4 km、イースト コーブおよびアーカディア国立公園から 20 km 圏内です。ベース ハーバー ヘッド灯台まで 19.9 km です。

Oceanfront Cove Adventure for up to 12. Gorgeous setting. 500’ of waterfront. の口コミ




評価 10 - 72 件の口コミ中 67 件が非常に良い
評価 8 - 72 件の口コミ中 5 件が良い
評価 6 - 72 件の口コミ中 0 件が普通
評価 4 - 72 件の口コミ中 0 件が不満
評価 2 - 72 件の口コミ中 0 件が非常に不満




10/10 (非常に良い)

Bob & Mo T.、Bangkok, Thailand / Atlanta, GA USA

良かった点 : 清潔度
Beautiful surroundings, but inconvenient 40 minute ferry
Peaceful spot for family gathering.
2024 年 10 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Megan M.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Wonderful Stay
We had an excellence experience! The house was perfect and the owner was very responsive. I would highly recommend this to any family looking for a relaxing and fun getaway.
2024 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Ciara H.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Stunning Trip
What a beautiful location that was enhanced by a wonderful property. Plenty of space for 12 guests both inside and out. We did have 3 couples so not having 3 private rooms to accommodate that was a little disappointing but it ended up working out just fine. Plenty of space in the beautiful kitchen and the myriad spaces on the deck were fabulous! The location was great to swim at higher tide right off of Sunrise Point (on the property) and our older kids were able to manage the walk to Fine Sand Beach just fine. We were so pleased with how well-equipped the entire house was, from kitchenware to beach towels. Thanks, John and Susan
2024 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Patricia T.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Family Reunion
My husband and I stayed with two of our sons and their children. We came to the beautiful Island to attend a family reunion. Everyone loved the house. We had stayed at the same house back around 2005 and loved it even more this time. Lots of space to spread out when you want quiet time and large enough when we were all together. Would rent here again when we come back next time. Loved it!
2024 年 7 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Diane J.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Delightful property. Enjoyed watching the tide and exploring the island. House is beautiful and welcominging. We were pleased to find it well stocked. Would definately recommend this property. John and Susan were always available and quick to answer our questions.
2024 年 7 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Jason R.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Relaxing stay in a great home
This was our 5th stay at this home on Swan's Island, and it does not disappoint. The house is well appointed with kitchen wares including a pretty good array of basic spices, paper goods, and pots/pans etc. If you forgot it before taking the ferry to Swan's Island, and can't find it in the kitchen or pantry, The Island Market and Supply (TIMS) has plenty of staples and interesting regionally sourced foods to augment what you brought with you on the island. We would have liked to have wine glasses (only one to be found in the kitchen) but picked up a few at Iver's thrift shop to make do! The house is pretty cozy for our group of 10 family and friends (with just two bathrooms), but we enjoyed meals seated around the large center island in the kitchen and found plenty of places to lounge in the family room area. The best aspects of "Ocean Cove Adventure" are the location and the outside spaces. We love the large decks, beautiful back-bay views, and the bayside seating on the peninsula. Thanks for another great stay on Swan's Island
2024 年 7 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Trudy H.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Beautiful home!
The house was incredible - even more beautiful than the pictures. Very comfy for five adults and two young kids. We loved all the different sitting spots everywhere and it was very serene. We only wished they would have allowed us to use the outdoor fire table or mentioned that it couldn’t be used in the listing. Otherwise we had a lovely stay.
2024 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Will C.

良かった点 : 清潔度
A beautiful house in the woods
The house is beautiful, out on a little point. Watching the tide come in and out everyday was amazing. My kids played in the shallows and went kayaking around in the ocean. It's probably the safest part of the ocean you could ever kayak in. Was really nice.
2024 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

jim R.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Peace and quiet
Had a great time at this island retreat! Only the sounds of nature and the wind. We loved exploring the island hiking paths, light house, fine sand beach, etc. Everything was as described and the TIMS market pizza was very good. Overall a great stay!
2023 年 9 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Christine D.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Peaceful paradise
The views were spectacular! The quietness of the cove was refreshing! Our hosts have created an environment where even with a large group staying together there were many spots set up for peaceful reflection and just relaxing looking at the views. The grandchildren loved exploring and catching crabs in the cove. The home was gorgeous and extremely well stocked! Loved everything about it!
2023 年 9 月に 7 泊滞在

8/10 (良い)

Jesse C.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Magical location for family vacation
Beautiful setting, house, and overall a great property and communication with the owners. We had a blast. There were a couple misleading things in the listing, and a couple imperfections that surprised me for the price. We were excited to use the fireplace and deck propane fire table, but neither of those were available to use. There was also a small area in one bedroom that had a leaky chimney issue and what looked like mold, which was condoned off with caution tape , and one of the bathroom sinks was out of order. i understand that some of that is out of the owners control, especially on an island. the only other recommendation/concern is that the 10 AM checkout time and extensive checkout list, including not just starting linens, but having all towels dried and put away means you need to get up quite early on check out day. Most checkout times are 11, and most places simply ask you to strip beds and start a load. Overall, in spite of these things i would recomnend the property, as the setting and house are incredible and John is easy to communicate with.
2023 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Donna J.

良かった点 : 清潔度
My husband and I love the quiet seclusion, it was truly a vacation. We ate lobster, kayaked, and played games. It was a nice time to reconnect
2023 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

8/10 (良い)

Patricia B.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Peaceful setting
Hideaway Cove is a very nice house in a great setting. Close to Fine Sand beach which is amazing. I highly recommend making reservations for the ferry. They can be made 1 month in advance.
2023 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Michael W.、United States

良かった点 : 清潔度
Great week in a beautiful setting
The house had everything we could have asked for: comfortable bedrooms, well-supplied kitchen, and large deck to enjoy the views and the ever-changing tides. Communication with John was prompt and easy. We brought our kayaks and easily launched from the back yard into the beautiful Mackerel Cove. All-in-all a great vacation!
2023 年 7 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

leslie s.

良かった点 : 清潔度
We had a wonderful time at this beautiful and well equipped home! The views were amazing and we really enjoyed exploring Swans Island!
2023 年 7 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Cheryl A.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Our remarkable week
We had a wonderful time in a beautiful home. If you wanted some quiet there were quite a number of relaxing spots on the property to sit and read or just listen to the sound of the little waterfall and watch the changing tides. The island itself had a lot of places to explore . beaches the Lighthouse the museum or you could go out on different excursions. We chose the lobster boat trip which we really enjoyed plus we came home with some great lobsters! All in all from the ferry boat ride to the island we loved every minute being there.
2023 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Jill F.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Maine Vacation 2023
Staying at Hideaway Cove was absolutely a dream vacation. The location and views from the home were from a storybook. It was quiet and secluded from the outside world, which is exactly what we needed. We kayaked and explored the lagoon daily. We went on hikes and explored the island as well. The house is located in close proximity to Acadia, so we took the ferry to Bass Harbor and drove to Acadia two days during our stay. We also got to spend time in Bar Harbor shopping. The house was well taken care of and perfect for our family. The kitchen was well-equipped and made cooking and eating in all week a breeze. Thank you so much for having us.
2023 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Tony H.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Wonderful week!
We thoroughly enjoyed the property. If you have never been to Swan's Island, it is a real treat. The house was perfect, everything we needed, just the right mix of rustic and modern, and plenty of room. We especially enjoyed the decks and outdoor sitting areas, as we spent most of the time outdoors with the excellent weather. There are 5 distinct "sleeping areas", and we had plenty of room. But, the bunk room and loft might be a bit of a challenge for some older guests so keep that in mind. Overall, we had a great week. John was very responsive and made sure we had everything that we needed. Would not hesitate to stay again! Thanks John & Susan.
2023 年 5 月に 8 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Steve C.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Quiet & Relaxing
We loved the location, the tranquility and the terrific house. Especially pleased with the quality of the second and third bedrooms (often not the case with rentals). We were able to launch our kayaks easily at high tide and explore the different coves. Fine Sand Beach was a delight and we appreciated having the store close by.
2022 年 8 月に 14 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Steven S.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Swans Island is an amazing place!
Our group of 10 had a wonderful time on Swans Island and the rental was great! Location is perfect with a wonderful deck overlooking the water. Highly recommended for a family vacation
2022 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

willa v.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Wonderful House on Remote Island
We rented this house for family guests attending our son’s wedding. They loved the location and house.
2022 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度
True Maine getaway
We were looking to experience Maine For the first time and Swans Island didn’t disappoint. We hiked, kayaked, swam and relaxed. Our teenagers got a bit bored but they also thought was a great experience. The property was everything we hoped it would be
2022 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Jason R.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Great house in a wonderful location
This was a return visit for our family to this home and our first under the new ownership. The house and property are wonderful, and owners have added some nice touches without changing the character of the home we've enjoyed so much in the past. We did find the kitchen and pantry in particular much less well-stocked than during past stays. There was a long list of new rules, and penalties for violating them, including charges for leaving any food or spices, etc behind. For an island with only one well-stocked but limited grocery option, this was unfortunate as no spices except salt and pepper were left behind by prior renters. Based on prior rental experiences, a more comprehensive spice rack, and at least a few coffee k-cups would have been nice, although of course we also brought our own. Other items like detergent, and paper towels were limited, and the gas grill propane was empty when we arrived. Fortunately, "The Island Market & Supply, TIMS" on the island has propane service. Overall, we still loved our stay, but the hospitality was just a bit different than our prior experience here. The Island Market and Supply is still wonderful and the proprietors could not be more friendly and accommodating (and they do a great job of stocking a lot of good stuff despite the very small footprint of the store). Don't miss the Lighthouse trails, and if your timing is right, the Oddfellows Sunday pancake breakfast is a fun community atmosphere.
2022 年 7 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Mary S.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Magical stay
We had a absolutely magical stay! Pictures don't even don't do justice for this charming Just incredible views of the cove. We enjoyed a lobster fishing trip with Jason on Swans Island, day trips to Acadia and kayaking in the cove. Hidden Cove was well equipped for all your cooking needs and spacious for our large crowd. Such a memorable vacation! We will be back!
2022 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Katie S.

良かった点 : 清潔度
A great week at Hideaway Cove!
We had a great week at Hideaway Cove! Swans Island was wonderful, we enjoyed Fine Sand Beach, the quarry, lobster from the co-op and pizza from TIMS Market. The access to the water and having a private lagoon was awesome, we kayaked and spent time searching for sea critters. The kids had lots to explore around the property. We also took the ferry over two days to explore Acadia- it was amazing- Thunder Hole, Cadillac Mountain, Jordan Pond,, Bar Harbor-- just to name a few highlights. The house was clean and well stocked with supplies. Our two families could not have asked for a better place to spend our week together!!
2022 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在