Special Region of Yogyakarta

Popular cities in Special Region of Yogyakarta
Known for Temples, Culture and Historical
Discover ancient temples, traditional batik, wayang shadow puppetry and gamelan music in the city that holds the key to Java’s cultural heritage.
Reasons to visit
- Malioboro Street
- Fort Vredeburg Museum
- Yogyakarta Presidential Palace
Known for Temples, Dancing and Monuments
These spectacular temples are among the most important religious sites in Java. Visit them to be astounded by their centuries-old grandeur and intricacy.
Reasons to visit
- Prambanan Temple
- Candi Sari
- Plaosan Lor Temple
Known for Beaches
Wonosari awaits: its beaches and more!
Reasons to visit
- Pantai Ngandong
Venture to sights like Pantai Wediombo and Pantai Sedahan as you discover Girisubo.
Reasons to visit
- Pantai Watu Lumbung
Known for Swimming, Spas and Volcano
Experience upscale Depok: its theme park, volcanoes, spas, and more!
Known for Beaches and Nature
Parangtritis awaits: its beaches, natural setting, and more!
BalanganBalecaturBandungBangunjiwoBanguntapanBantulBaturetnoBedoyoBerbahBibisBletukBrosotCandi BinangunCangkringanCatur TunggalCebonganCondongcaturDanurejanDepokGayamharjoGedongkiwoGiricahyoGirisuboGondomananGondowulungGowonganImogiriJarakanJejeranJetisKalasanKalirejoKarangmojoKasihanKasuranKentisariKlangkapangKokapKotabaruKratonKretekKulon ProgoMadurejoMaguwoMangunanMinggirMuloMuntukNanggulanNgaglikNgampilanNgandongNgemplakNglanggeranNgupasanPakemPakualamanPanggangParakanParangtritisPatukPatukanPedesPendowoPlayenPleretPogung LorPotrojayanPrambananPrawirotamanPundongSalakanSari HarjoSedayuSemanuSeminSewonSinduadiSinduharjoSingkilSlemanSoprayanSribitSrimartaniSrimulyoSumbermulyoTanjungtirtoTegalrejoTemonTepusTerongTimbulharjoTuriWanujoyoWatesWirobrajanWonosariYogyakarta