
In the heart of the finger lakes wineries

In the heart of the finger lakes wineries

In the heart of the finger lakes wineriesの写真ギャラリー





ベッドルーム 3 室バスルーム 2 室定員 8 名214 ㎡


  • 洗濯機
  • バーベキューグリル
  • ペットとの宿泊可
  • 駐車場利用可
  • 屋外スペース
  • 冷房




In the heart of the finger lakes wineries

Welcome to the Fallen Tree Inn and the Finger Lakes!

Let’s start by saying we believe in you and your safety. We have a motion light and surveillance camera above the garage that is watching the driveway so when at dark hours it will light up the drive for your safety . There is a keyless door lock for easy entrance. Now let’s have fun!!
“If you like wineries, Water, cycling, hiking, racing, shopping, food, breweries and just plain relaxing”, well you’ve hit GOLD. We’re in Geneva which means your close to the best hiking in Watkins Glen State Park with waterfalls, Seneca lake, Downtown Geneva with some of the best “farm to table restaurants” in the country, not to mention we’re just across from Belhurst Castle. If you love craft beer and wine? Look no further we’re on the famous Finger Lakes wine trail with over 150 wineries. Unlimited possibilities in & around Geneva

The Fallen Tree Inn is a charming home with three cozy bedrooms, a relaxing invite to the living room for a glass of wine or your favorite beverage. Sit outside by the fire pit, watch the wildlife or Read your favorite book.

With every stay you will get a completely Chocolates that are placed throughout the house.
A stay at The Fallen Tree Inn has endless possibilities to make wonderful memories with family and friends alike.

The Fallen Tree Inn is on the famous Finger Lake wine trail with some of the oldest vineyards in the country. Let yourself lose and taste some
of this Regions wine. Who knows you might bring some bottles home.

History of the Finger Lake region

Our lakes are old, natural, and non-manmade. Native American legend explains the Finger Lakes this way: the Creator looked upon this land with special favor and reached down to bless it, leaving the imprint of His hand, hence, the Finger Lakes.

Geology tells a different story. As the last ice age ended, the final glaciers covering what is now the northern reaches of the United States receded. The incredible grinding pressures of the receding glaciers gouged enormous holes in what is now the Finger Lakes region. These became not only our Finger Lakes, but also the magnificent geologic anomalies throughout the region that include our incredible gorges and numerous waterfalls

Geneva NewYork history

The area was long occupied by the Seneca tribe, which had established a major village of Kanadaseaga here by 1687.[7] The British helped fortify the village against the French of Canada during the Seven Years' War (locally known as the French and Indian War); later they added defensive fortifications against the Americans during the Revolutionary War. During the latter warfare, the punitive Sullivan Expedition of 1779 mounted by rebel forces destroyed many of the dwellings, as well as the winter stores of the people, and they abandoned the ruins. Following the war and the forced removal of the Seneca from their native land, European-Americans settled here about 1793. They developed a town encouraged by the Pulteney Association, which owned the land and was selling plots.

At the end of the Revolutionary War, Lt. Col. Seth Reed (né Read), who had fought at Bunker Hill, was one of many pioneers who moved from Massachusetts into Ontario County. By trade with the Seneca, he bought a tract of land eighteen miles in extent. (This was illegal, as only the US government was authorized to make land deals with the Native Americans.) This occurred in 1787, while his wife Hannah stayed in Uxbridge, Massachusetts with their family.[8] "Seth Read moved his wife Hannah and their family to Geneva, Ontario County, New York in the winter of 1790".[9]

The settlement at Geneva was not yet permanent; the European Americans continued to harass the Seneca on the frontier. In 1795 Read and his family removed to Erie, Pennsylvania, where they became the earliest European-American settlers.[10]

The "Village of Geneva" was incorporated in 1806, formally separating it from the surrounding area of Geneva Town. Later the village became a city through a 1871 charter.[11]

In the 1830s, a government surveyor named John Brink named both Geneva Lake and Lake Geneva in Wisconsin after Geneva, New York. Geneva, Nebraska, founded in 1871, is considered to have been named after the one in New York, rather than directly for the Swiss city.


Craig Upcroft






  • 一軒家で利用可能 : 無料の WiFi


  • 敷地内の駐車場


  • オーブン
  • コーヒー / ティーメーカー
  • コーヒーミル
  • コンロ
  • トースター
  • ペーパータオル
  • ミキサー
  • 食器洗い機
  • 製氷機
  • 調理器具および食器類
  • 電子レンジ
  • 冷蔵庫


  • ダイニングテーブル


  • ソファーベッド
  • ベッドシーツあり
  • ベッドルーム 3 室


  • シャワー
  • シャンプー
  • タオルあり
  • トイレットペーパー
  • バスルーム 2 室
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • 石鹸
  • 浴槽


  • ダイニングテーブル
  • リビングルーム
  • 暖炉


  • DVD プレーヤー
  • ゲーム
  • スマートテレビ
  • テレビゲーム
  • ビデオライブラリ


  • バーベキューグリル
  • パティオ
  • 屋外用家具
  • 庭園


  • 洗濯機


  • 暖房
  • 冷房


  • ペットとの宿泊可
  • ペット 1 匹につき 23 kg まで

対象 / バリアフリー

  • バリアフリーに関する具体的なご要望のリクエストについては、施設にお問い合わせください。お問い合わせ先は予約手続き完了後にお送りする予約確認通知に記載されています。
  • エレベーターなし
  • 共用エリアのエリアラグ
  • 共用エリアは板張りの床
  • 入り口までの道が明るい
  • 指定喫煙スペース


  • アイロン / アイロン台


  • ゴルフコースの隣
  • 湖畔に位置
  • 市街地中心部に位置
  • 田園地域に位置


  • 自転車


  • 一酸化炭素検知器 (オーナーによると、施設には一酸化炭素検知器があります)
  • 煙感知器 (オーナーによると、施設には煙感知器があります)
  • 救急箱
  • 消火器
  • デッドボルトロック (本締り錠)


  • ユニットサイズ : 214 平方メートル
  • 自転車
  • 庭園




チェックイン : 15:00 以降
チェックインの最低年齢 : 25 歳


チェックアウト終了時刻 : 11:00




1 室につき 2 匹まで (1 匹あたり最大 23 kg)
オーナーからの注記事項 : Please let us know what kind of pet you have…

お子様およびエキストラ ベッドのご利用について




場合により、チェックイン時に政府発行の写真付き身分証明書と付随費用精算のためのクレジットカード / デビットカードのご提示、または現金でのデポジットのお支払いが必要です
敷地内でパーティーおよびイベントの開催が可能です (家族の集まり、誕生日パーティー、ウエディングを含む・最大参加人数 : 20 名)
この施設は弊社のパートナー企業 Vrbo (バーボ) が管理しており、Vrbo より、予約を変更・キャンセルする場合にご利用いただく Vrbo アカウントへのリンクを記載したメールが届きます




NY, Geneva


  • ホバート アンド ウィリアム スミス カレッジ - 徒歩 12 分 - 1.1 km
  • サウス メイン ストリート - 徒歩 15 分 - 1.3 km
  • ラヴィネス ワイン セラー (セネカ湖) - 車で 5 分 - 2.8 km
  • セネカ レイク州立公園 - 車で 7 分 - 5.9 km
  • スリー ブラザーズ ワイナリーズ アンド エステーツ - 車で 15 分 - 14.0 km


  • ‪McDonald's - ‬車で 4 分
  • ‪Ling Ling Chinese Buffet - ‬車で 5 分
  • ‪Arby's - ‬車で 4 分
  • ‪Tim Hortons - ‬車で 5 分
  • ‪Wendy's - ‬車で 5 分


In the heart of the finger lakes wineriesはペットと宿泊できますか ?

はい、この宿泊施設には体重が 1 匹あたり 23 kg までのペットを同伴できます (1 室につき 2 匹まで)。

In the heart of the finger lakes wineriesのチェックインは何時ですか ?

チェックイン開始は 15:00 です。

In the heart of the finger lakes wineriesのチェックアウトは何時ですか ?

チェックアウトは 11:00 です。

In the heart of the finger lakes wineriesはどこにありますか ?

ジュネーブ中心部に位置するこのゴルフを楽しめるバケーションホームは、ホバート アンド ウィリアム スミス カレッジ、ホワイト スプリングス ワイナリー、サウス メイン ストリートから徒歩 15 分圏内です。ラヴィネス ワイン セラー (セネカ湖)およびスミス センター フォー ジ アーツも 5 km 圏内です。

In the heart of the finger lakes wineriesの口コミ




評価 10 - 10 件の口コミ中 9 件が非常に良い
評価 8 - 10 件の口コミ中 0 件が良い
評価 6 - 10 件の口コミ中 1 件が普通
評価 4 - 10 件の口コミ中 0 件が不満
評価 2 - 10 件の口コミ中 0 件が非常に不満










10/10 (非常に良い)

Deborah F.、Beacon Falls CT, USA

良かった点 : 清潔度
Wedding experience
My son was getting married at Belhurst across the street. Being so close allowed us to help the wedding couple so their day went smoothly. The home was beautifully decorated with full kitchen and other amenities. Host was very responsive and made it easy to reach them if needed. Highly recommend them.
2024 年 8 月に 4 泊滞在

6/10 (普通)

Clark R.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Good Stay
Overall good stay. Good location in the finger lakes. The only issue we had were the owners of the house were in the house when we arrived despite us asking to skip a tour of the house.
2024 年 8 月に 2 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

kim k.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Excellent Location
Great location, within minutes of restaurants, breweries and wineries. It made getting around the lake so easy. Nice outdoor space, we enjoyed the ease of the propane fire pit.
2024 年 8 月に 3 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、設備とサービス、施設のコンディションと設備
This is a really nice property in a safe and convenient location. It's very quiet in the evening, with a very pleasant outdoor area. The host is awesome! It's a great place for a family to stay.
2024 年 7 月に 3 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Cynthia P.

良かった点 : 清潔度
This is a great home to invite friends and family for dinner, sit in the hot tub and have coffee on the back deck while watching the birds and deer. Geneva is a great little city that is very clean and feels extremely safe walking. We made many spa appointments for ourselves and our guests across the street in the castle. The beds are extremely comfortable and the hosts are great! We missed the house as soon as we left.
2023 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Robert B.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Great Stay
We had a wonderful time at CiCi’s this past weekend. Thank you to Craig and Christine for being such wonderful hosts!
2023 年 6 月に 3 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Sarah W.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Great place right outside of Geneva!
Lovely house and great back porch for relaxing. Comfortable and clean. Close to everything we wanted! We had a great time. Thank you Craig!
2023 年 6 月に 2 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Alicia M.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Happy Returns!!!
Such an easy place to stay at. Close to all things. Owners are super attentive. It was our 2nd time staying at this location.
2023 年 5 月に 3 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Alicia M.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Comfort to the max!
Super clean, super accommodating!! Loved this house. Craig is an outstanding host! Can’t wait to come back to this house in May. Thank you
2022 年 9 月に 2 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Andy D.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Amazing stay
Craig was awesome! The decor and cleanliness was pretty much on target
2022 年 8 月に 2 泊滞在