
ブラックパール! ボラボラ島で最も豪華なプライベート水上バンガロー!

The Black Pearl! The most luxurious private OVER WATER BUNGALOW on Bora Bora!

ブラックパール! ボラボラ島で最も豪華なプライベート水上バンガロー!の写真ギャラリー





ベッドルーム 1 室バスルーム 1 室定員 2 名130 ㎡


  • 洗濯機
  • ビーチビュー
  • 駐車場利用可
  • バーベキューグリル
  • 冷房
  • キッチン




ブラックパール! ボラボラ島で最も豪華なプライベート水上バンガロー!

レビューをお読みください。 私たちは複雑で誰よりも長くビジネスに参加しています... 私達は完全な空気調節を用いる水上バンガローだけを持っている! ブラックパールは本当に壮観で豪華な水上バンガローです。 それ自身の私道を持つ5つのうちの唯一のバンガロー! 追加のハウスキーピング、およびバンガローダイニングでの特別サービスも利用可能です(事前に予約が必要です)。 RESORTSに対する当社の料金を比較してください。 ブラックパールは私たちの最も豪華なバンガローです。 本当に、フランス領ポリネシア全土で最も美しい個人所有の水上住宅です。 ラグーンとヤシに覆われた島々を見下ろす、数百ヤード先の豪華な屋根付きテラスには、上質な屋外用家具とガス式バーベキューが完備されています。 良い本を読んだり、その地域の自然の美しさを楽しんだり、あるいは何もしないでください。 あなたが暖かい水の中でひと泳ぎしたいのであれば、もっと簡単なことは何もないでしょう。 プライベートドックを4段降りて飛び込んでください。 タヒチアンパンチを飲みながら、そこでは何時間もシュノーケリングをしたり、サンゴ礁周辺の何千もの色とりどりの魚をチェックしたり、ヤシの木の下のビーチに横たわったりすることができます。


追加情報:水上住宅は、シュノーケリング、ウォーキングハイキング、水泳に最適な場所です。バンガローには2つのカヤックが付いています。 楽園はあなたを囲みます。
あなたがレンタカー、国際線または国内線で援助を必要とするならば、我々もそれで援助することができます。 私たちは多くの帰還者を持っています、そして私たちはこれが一生のあなたの休暇になると確信しています! あなたが島の4つ星と5つ星ホテルのいくつかの価格をチェックアウトした場合は特に、私たちの料金は非常に手頃な価格です。 私たちの家は本当の旅行交渉です。 あらゆる細部は絶妙です。 ホームシアターシステムとDVDプレーヤー、iPod対応ステレオシステムを備えた40インチのフラットスクリーンがあります。 高速インターネットおよびwifi、2つのスポーツチャンネルがある衛星、CNN、イギリス映画チャンネルなど 浴槽、シャワーを浴びる。 これは贅沢です。

レンタカー:車が必要です。 その他のオプションは、カート、自転車、タクシー、水上タクシーです(常に利用できるわけではありません)。
ご注意:CAR RENTALSについては弊社のマネージャーに直接お問い合わせください。 彼の名前はNirであり、彼は電子メールで連絡することができます。 彼の特別な「クライアントカー」料金は島のレンタカー会社をはるかに下回っています。

旅行、航空会社、ホテルおよび車の援助!:楽園への旅全体をお手伝いします。 私たちはあなたのタヒチへのあなたの国際線をどんな適当なキャリアででも手配することができる、そしてあなたの島間の航空タヒチで。 私たちはまた、タヒチまたはあなたが訪問したいと思うかもしれない他の島のいずれかであなたのホテルの宿泊施設や賃貸を予約することができます。 詳細については私にメールしてください。


Richard Holland






  • ビーチ (近隣)
  • ビーチタオル
  • ビーチラウンジャー


  • 一軒家で利用可能 : WiFi


  • 車 (要)
  • 敷地内の駐車場


  • オーブン
  • コーヒー / ティーメーカー
  • コンロ
  • トースター
  • ミキサー
  • 香辛料
  • 食器洗い機
  • 調理器具および食器類
  • 電子レンジ
  • 冷蔵庫


  • ベッドシーツあり
  • ベッドルーム 1 室


  • シャワー
  • タオルあり
  • バスルーム 1 室
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • 石鹸
  • 浴槽


  • リビングルーム


  • DVD プレーヤー
  • ステレオ
  • テレビ (ケーブル / 衛星チャンネルあり)
  • 音楽ライブラリ


  • テラス
  • バーベキューグリル
  • パティオ
  • 屋外用家具
  • 桟橋


  • 洗濯機


  • 冷房


  • ペットとの宿泊不可

対象 / バリアフリー

  • 全館禁煙


  • アイロン / アイロン台
  • セーフティボックス
  • ツアーとチケットの案内
  • 客室清掃 (要リクエスト)
  • 電話


  • アウトレットショッピングモールの近く
  • ウォーターフロントに位置
  • 海の近く


  • カヤック
  • ウインドサーフィン (近隣)
  • カヤック (近隣)
  • サーフィン / ボディボード (近隣)
  • サイクリングコース (近隣)
  • ジェットスキーポイント (近隣)
  • シュノーケリング (近隣)
  • スイミング (近隣)
  • スキューバダイビング (近隣)
  • セーリング (近隣)
  • バードウォッチング (近隣)
  • ハイキング / サイクリングコース (近隣)
  • ホエールウォッチング (近隣)
  • モーターボート (近隣)
  • 乗馬 (近隣)
  • 水上スキー (近隣)
  • 釣り場 (近隣)
  • 登山 (近隣)


  • 一酸化炭素検知器が未報告 (オーナーは施設に一酸化炭素検知器があるかどうか明記していません。携帯用探知器の持ち込みをご検討ください)
  • 煙感知器 (オーナーによると、施設には煙感知器があります)
  • 救急箱
  • 消火器
  • デッドボルトロック (本締り錠)


  • ユニットサイズ : 130 平方メートル
  • 客室清掃 (要リクエスト)
  • 施設のお子様の利用は不可




チェックイン : 16:00 以降
チェックインの最低年齢 : 24 歳


チェックアウト終了時刻 : 11:00





お子様およびエキストラ ベッドのご利用について




場合により、チェックイン時に政府発行の写真付き身分証明書と付随費用精算のためのクレジットカード / デビットカードのご提示、または現金でのデポジットのお支払いが必要です
この施設は弊社のパートナー企業 Vrbo (バーボ) が管理しており、Vrbo より、予約を変更・キャンセルする場合にご利用いただく Vrbo アカウントへのリンクを記載したメールが届きます
施設の登録番号 : 8464DTO-MT




Bora Bora, Vaitape


  • マティラ ビーチ - 車で 1 分 - 0.0 km
  • ル・ボラボラ・リゾート・ビーチ - 車で 1 分 - 0.0 km
  • パヒア山 - 車で 1 分 - 0.1 km
  • バイタペ ハーバー - 車で 2 分 - 0.9 km
  • オテマヌ山 - 車で 4 分 - 3.2 km


  • モトゥ ムテ空港 (BOB) から車で 99 分


  • Pora-Pora Coffee Shop
  • ‪Upa Upa Panoramic Bar - ‬車で 5 分
  • ‪Iriatai - ‬車で 5 分
  • ‪Te Pahu - ‬車で 15 分
  • ‪Fare Hoa - ‬車で 13 分


ブラックパール! ボラボラ島で最も豪華なプライベート水上バンガロー!はペットと宿泊できますか ?


ブラックパール! ボラボラ島で最も豪華なプライベート水上バンガロー!のチェックインは何時ですか ?

チェックイン開始は 16:00 です。

ブラックパール! ボラボラ島で最も豪華なプライベート水上バンガロー!のチェックアウトは何時ですか ?

チェックアウトは 11:00 です。

ブラックパール! ボラボラ島で最も豪華なプライベート水上バンガロー!はどこにありますか ?

ウォーターフロントにあるこのバケーションホームは、チュピチピチ ポイント、オテマヌ山、パヒア山から 2 km 圏内です。フエ山およびバイタペ ハーバーも 2 km 圏内です。

The Black Pearl! The most luxurious private OVER WATER BUNGALOW on Bora Bora!の口コミ




評価 10 - 133 件の口コミ中 126 件が非常に良い
評価 8 - 133 件の口コミ中 5 件が良い
評価 6 - 133 件の口コミ中 1 件が普通
評価 4 - 133 件の口コミ中 0 件が不満
評価 2 - 133 件の口コミ中 1 件が非常に不満










10/10 (非常に良い)

Alisa R.

良かった点 : 清潔度
This place was perfect!. We rented a car from Nir, which I would highly recommend. He makes it so easy, he meets you as soon as you are off the shuttle boat with the car and keys and a local phone in case you need it. It rained all day the day before leaving so we drove around the island and checked out some restaurants/bars that were located in hotels and we for sure Had the best accommodations, area of the island and the best view with our own aquarium to to swim in everyday. Nir was so helpful and very fast to help with anything. I only had two questions and he was very prompt to answer them back. Side note about the island. If you stay there on New Year’s Day know all the stores and restaurants are closed this day. There is a contact in the bungalow to hire a private chef if wanted. They make fresh bread everyday at the local grocery store. Once we caught onto this we went every morning to get warm fresh baked bread.Even though we’re not big tv people having Netflix on the living room tv was nice to have.
2024 年 12 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Todd H.、PA

良かった点 : 清潔度
Beautiful over the water and beyond our expectations. Everything you would ever need. Once you arrive with supplies there is no need to leave.
2024 年 9 月に 4 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Paul F.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Great stay!
Everything was exactly as advertised. Very spacious and comfortable bungalow. Nir was fantastic, from picking us up to telling us everything we needed to know about the island. Can’t say enough good things about our stay! Highly recommended!
2024 年 6 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Nicole H.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Black Pearl
We stayed here for our honeymoon and loved it so much! The location was on a quieter part of the island and our bungalow was very isolated compared to most. The house was clean and had everything we needed for our stay. We loved being able to step off our deck and into the water. We also loved feeding the fish cornflakes and watching them swarm around us. We even saw a stingray one night. The kayak was an added bonus and we had fun using it as well. The property manager was very responsive and helped answer any of our questions. Great place to stay and we highly recommend. We will be coming back!
2024 年 6 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

William H.、Boulder City NV

良かった点 : 清潔度
21 Days In Paradise!
We had an amazing 21 days at the Black Pearl - Nir and Taire were incredibly accommodating and helpful throughout our stay. Nir was always available for any questions, and Taire even picked us up at the dock and took us to the rental car location. Check-in was smooth, and Nir provided us with a local phone for easy communication. The location is exceptional, offering privacy compared to other options. Renting a car from Nir is a must for exploring the island. The bungalow was clean and well-equipped, exactly as advertised. We spent most of our time swimming, snorkeling, or enjoying the stunning views from the deck. The Saturday morning outrigger canoe races passing by were a highlight. The amenities, from the comfortable bed to the thoughtful lighting, exceeded our expectations. We enjoyed grilling fresh fish and sampling various restaurants on the island. La Villa Mahana was a standout for special occasions, while Snack Matira offered a more casual experience right on one of the world's top beaches. Overall, it was the best vacation we've had. Highly recommend the Black Pearl. - Bill & Tina
2024 年 4 月に 21 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Ron B.、Denver, Colorado, USA

良かった点 : 清潔度
Wonderful stay!
We celebrated our anniversary here, and enjoyed it very much. The local managers were extremely helpful when checking in and out, and we would definitely recommend renting the car you will need directly from them. Overall a wonderful stay.
2024 年 4 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Thomas S.、Pocatello

良かった点 : 清潔度
Amazing Overwater Bungalow
The Black Pearl is an amazing place to stay for a couple! Richard, Nir and Taire were all very flexible and helpful. Taire helped us check in when we were able to arrive early on a standby flight. She met us at the ferry drop off with the car and showed us around and gave us all the information. The bungalow itself is about a 10 minute drive from downtown and is amazing! It has almost everything that you need including an incredible view, which is the most important to us! If you’re looking for a place that is absolutely perfect, there are a few cosmetic things that could be improved. None of them made this stay any less fantastic! Having air-conditioning is an amazing extra! The bed was comfortable and the bathroom is fantastic. We woke up every morning and had coffee on the deck looking out at the incredible Motus across the bay, then we would go snorkeling around the corner, so close you could walk. Our first morning snorkeling we interacted with a huge Reef Ray for about 20 minutes, a long gift to us! We also swim with spotted rays, black tip reef sharks, and many many amazing fish. Some of the coral went so deep we couldn’t even see the bottom of it. One morning a huge group of dolphins were playing in the clear water about 200 yards off the deck. We took the kayak out and just sat in the middle of them while they swam all around us. If we hadn’t been at the Black Pearl, these things probably wouldn’t have happened. Location, Location, Location!
2023 年 12 月に 6 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Cindy K.

良かった点 : 清潔度
We were very happy.
We genuinely enjoyed our stay at the bungalow. We were impressed with the high quality appliances, lots of kitchen accessories. Toaster, blender, storage bowls etc. The wash machine was nice to have as well. The shower was awesome, big and with a rain shower head that had great pressure. Also big fluffy bath towels were included along with 2 beach towels. The King size bed was comfortable. When it got hot, the air conditioner cooled it down quickly. Also if you opened all the windows you could get a nice breeze blowing through. It was fun sitting on the deck, enjoying the fish and beautiful water. I would recommend a rental car, we got ours through Nir, it was a great asset, we were able to grocery shop, go out to eat and go to the beach. The only negative we found was the blinds in the living room were mostly broken, which meant they had to be down the whole time, there was no way to raise them. Although it would have been nice had they worked, it did not hamper our stay.
2023 年 11 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Greg J.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Excellent choice
Great VRBO. Clean, stocked, helpful hosts. Unique location!
2023 年 10 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

joanne h.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Amazing stay
The bungalow was wonderful. Very clean and comfortable. So very relaxing, we spent hours on the deck just watching the boats and fish go by. We snorkeled right off the dock. If you go off to the right when you are facing the ocean there are fish. The excursion boats were able to pick us up and drop us off at the dock. Tom was great and very helpful. Would stay here again.
2023 年 10 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Karen H.

良かった点 : 清潔度
A week in Paradise
The property is beautiful, stocked with almost everything you'll need. The property owner was extremely responsive to any questions before the trip and the in-country manager was also extremely helpful both before the trip and once we were on island. When you see the proximity to each other of the overwater bungalows at some of the large resorts, you'll really appreciate how private this overwater bungalow is. If you're someone who wants to have have a short walk to shopping or dinner at a restaurant, this isn't the place for you. Most shops and restaurants were a 15 - 25 minute drive, but many restaurants provide free pickup and drop off for dinner. This was a perfect base for both relaxing and exploring the island and would love to stay here again if we make it back to Bora Bora someday!
2023 年 9 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

William R.、Kamloops, Canada

良かった点 : 清潔度
The pearl of Bora Bora
We really had a great time here and can not say enough about what a great place it was. From booking to check out it was easy to communicate with the owner and the property manager, everything was seamless. We rented a car from Nir and was picked up at the ferry and dropped off when we were done. Checking into the bungalow was easy. The bungalow itself was great, over the water and far enough from the one next it for some privacy. The inside was nice and had everything we needed, the outside had a nice covered back deck and a walk down swimming platform. Always a breeze on the deck which was good for watching the tropical fish below and the sunsets. We snorkeled right off the platform and had a lot to see, even a small blacktip Reef shark. The location on the island was great for getting around. The Black Pearl bungalow far exceeded our expectations and would highly recommend this to anyone visiting Bora Bora.
2023 年 10 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、設備とサービス、施設のコンディションと設備
I can't say enough good things about this property! It was super clean, well maintained (and I believe recently remodeled), not to mention private. The living room was relaxed with comfortable couch and chairs, the bed was amazingly comfortable, and the bathroom was well beyond my expectations with a large walk-in shower and big soaker tub. The kitchen was clean, and stocked with all the appliances (small and large) that you might need. The back porch was a good size with a comfy lounge chair, outdoor dining set, clotheslines for your wet swimwear and a BBQ. There's a kayak for use, and the snorkeling in the vicinity is pretty nice! We even saw some stingrays gliding past our porch a couple of times! Overall, I couldn't have been happier with our stay! I highly recommend this property to anyone looking for a private, comfortable over-the-water bungalow on the main island without the restrictions (and expenses!) of staying at a resort.

10/10 (非常に良い)

JoAnn B.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Overwater bungalow nirvana
Can’t say enough about our stay in the overwater bungalow. From the time mr. Nir picked us up at the ferry dock to the time he dropped us off after our stay, it was pure heaven!! The crystal clear blue water right off our dock was great for snorkeling. The bungalow itself was impeccable with everything you needed. We hated to leave. We would highly recommend this to everyone. Made many lasting memories. Thank You- Dave and JoAnn
2023 年 9 月に 4 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、設備とサービス、施設のコンディションと設備
We stayed here for 4 nights and will be unfaithful it I forgot to review about this place. Nir and his wife, Tiare they were so kind and knowledgeable. Any questions always be helping quickly by Nir. He was so dedicated to make us satisfying on anything we asked. I thought if this vacation,we didn’t meet him might we really went to disappointed through 2 places we just left also from Tahiti( 4 nights from Citi Home Tahiti, and 2 nights from Royal Bora Bora). Staying here, we had so much things we need like kitchen utensils, even rice, or oil to cook…Knowing both were seniors, Nir help me take us to the airport for free and together showing how we’ll do next steps. My wife before got headaches so much but when relaxing here, all symptoms were disappear immediately 😊. We’re surely to recommend about Nir and we now understand why we had spent many time to book successful here!

10/10 (非常に良い)

Janette M.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Relaxing Stay
We throughly enjoyed our stay at the Black Pearl. The house was clean and well stocked. The bed was comfortable. We loved spending relaxing mornings on the deck listening to the waves and boats go past. We used the grill in the evening and enjoyed the quiet at the end of a busy day. Every thing you need in Vaitape is only 15-20 minutes away. Nir was so helpful and kind throughout the whole trip. Having the car from Nir was a must and so convenient with Nir meeting us at the dock and dropping us off after. One of our favorite things was we were so close to the Manta Ray cleaning station that we just kayaked over to it (to the right and around the tip of the island as you face the ocean)and moored to the kayak to the existing ropes. We snorkeled with a Manta Ray all alone before the tour boats arrived in the morning. Incredible. We saw an octopus along with many other fish as we snorkeled right under the house, we also saw a Moray Eel about 30 feet from the bungalow to the right. Staying over the water in Bora Bora at this price made it so we were happy to pay for excursions like a trip to Taha’a to the Pearl and Vanilla farms, and to take the snorkel tour of the lagoons. Truly incredible experiences. Our only suggestion would be the curtains in the bedroom could use updating, but they worked fine. We recommend Snack Matira for good inexpensive lunches right on the beach. Thank you, Nir for your incredible hospitality and wonderful stay.
2023 年 7 月に 6 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Phil K.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Amazing, private, overwater bungalow!
My wife and I stayed for 9 nights and it was amazing. We prefer private rentals over resorts and this place is everything we expected and more. I cannot say enough positive things about how awesome this property is and the owner, Richard, was very responsive and helpful through the entire process. The manager (Nir) was also super helpful, a great guy, very responsive to our questions and needs. The bungalow was perfect, clean and neat, nice furniture and layout, large bathroom, well-appointed in all aspects, exactly what you see in the photos. We will definitely be back to stay here again! Thanks! Phil and Candy
2023 年 7 月に 9 泊滞在

6/10 (普通)

karen h.、Los Angeles

良かった点 : 清潔度
Beautiful location - Not a great stay
Our 2nd time in Bora staying at the condos-our 1st time at No5. The condo is nicely laid out and the bed was very comfortable. Air works well and the bathroom is nice. The outside grill is good.We rented a car from Nir and it was a great rental(aircond works great too). We did have a few challenges. When we arrived the 2 sunlounges were broken and could not be used. We asked Nir for replacements/loaners for our 10 day stay but never received anything. This was a huge disappointment since the reason you go to Bora is for the sun. There is only one 2-person kayak. On day 2 the toilet broke at 7am.Nir said he would send someone who did not arrive until 330pm. He didnt fix the toilet and we waited until the next morning for the fix. Waiting over 24 hours for the only toilet to be fixed? There are 4 blinds in the living room looking out onto the lagoon. 2 of them were broken 50% of the view was obscured. Nir said he knew about that but never told us and didn’t offer any solutions so again we figured it out on our own. Finally a chair I was sitting in broke and I tumbled over backwards onto the tile floor. This was day 7 and we decided to leave the condo early and go to a resort for the final 3 days. All this time with everything that happened we did not receive an apology or inperson visit from the host. I have communicated with the owner who said I should have called him(he lives in the USA)so why have a host on the island? It was not the luxurious condo advertised unfortunately.
2023 年 5 月に 10 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

jennifer h.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Perfect location!
We really enjoyed our stay at Black Pearl OWB. The location is great -- you can watch both sun rise and sunset! We took lots of nice pictures. And of ciyrse snorkeling, kayaking every day. I saw someone digging out a huge octopus right under the deck! Also a shark swam by one day.
2023 年 5 月に 4 泊滞在

8/10 (良い)

Victor F.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Lovely house. Needs TLC
The location is great, the house is very nice. We enjoyed our stay overall. The house does need some basic maintenance, the sink doesn’t drain, the gate is broken, the door net keeps falling out on the porch. Things that don’t ruin your stay, but are annoying to deal with.
2023 年 4 月に 10 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Marvin F.

良かった点 : 清潔度
My Bucket List
Thanks, Richard, for your awesome place and location. Debbie and I really enjoyed the stay, location, and community hospitality. The whole process went awesome with no glitches. Nir and his wife also di an awesome job with check-in, area excursions, setting us up with contact information, etc. We do recommend this place for anyone who loves relaxation, scenery, and culture.
2023 年 4 月に 9 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Almog P.

良かった点 : 清潔度
A wonderful experience of Bora Bora mainland
We loved our stay at the Black Pearl and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to explore the mainland of Bora Bora besides just a resort experience. We saw eagle rays from our sun deck every morning, we used the kayak to paddle to the islands across, the location was super convenient, just a walking distance from trails around. The property manager helped us book an incredible snorkeling boat tour with a guide who picked us up right from our deck. Such a beautiful experience!
2023 年 3 月に 4 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Anthony B.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Awesome over water bungalow!
The resorts we wanted were over $2000/night so we gladly discovered the Black Pearl. Zero complaints and we loved our 4 night stay and all the photos we took. We will definitely be back in the next 5 years. Nir and Tiare were excellent and the rental car was also the best price, automatic and with AC. Thank you!
2023 年 2 月に 4 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Victoria W.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Great place!
Very cool spot on Bora Bora! We had an awesome week in the bunglalow! Prime spot right on the water. We took a snorkling tour and the boat was able to pick us up right at the dock which was really neat. Great snorkling right outside your backdoor! We even saw some rays by our dock one morning. Features we thought added to the experience -high end appliances -great water pressure!!!! -grill was a huge plus -coordinating with the property manager to Nir made it too easy to vacation on a remote island :) -Richard had amazing recommendations on food and things to do while on the island Thank you and we will be back!
2023 年 1 月に 8 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Shawn R.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Phenomenal view and location
We had a great weekend snowboarding trip. The cabins view and location made this trip just that much more spectacular. Thank you.
2023 年 1 月に 3 泊滞在