For the price, and especially the additional fees, it was very nice but not quite everything one might assume. 6-2hundred a night, even in a beautiful home with a hot tub and an amazing setting, should get you a better mattress, cleaner features than a moldy BBQ and dangerous decks, less "chores", and certainly no phone calls from the property manager trying to sniff out "the right fit". The emails and all the directions were more than enough to keep us on our toes but also had the effect of dimming the relaxation. What really got us was the 6-4hundred cleaning fee, not as a deposit against our cleanliness, but as a fee no matter how we left it...and there were plenty of asks - feed the fish, strip the bed, put away the dishes, take out the trash and recycling - not unreasonable but if we are doing all this, what is the fee for? Now that we know, we'll stick to local inns like the Requa or Whaler's.