ラファイエットにあるこのバケーションホームは、City Park、アカディアナ子供博物館、The Acadiana Center for the Artsから徒歩 15 分圏内です。Mouton Monumentおよびアレキサンダー ムートン邸も 2 km 圏内です。ラフェイエット駅まで徒歩わずか 8 分です。
Upon arrival i was taken aback. There was a tarp on the roof on signs of construction in the front yard.
In order to get into the home you have to walk around the house to the back door. Upon entry there were signs of water damage in the ceiling. Fast forward l....had electricity upon check-in but after returning, about 5 hours later the electricity said look for me.....yeah not an ounce of electricity at the residence. The home could really use an update. Aside from the electrcity issue, i felt like i had entered a time warp.