

Lovely Villa. Jolly Harbour amenities & five beautiful Beaches close by.






ベッドルーム 2 室バスルーム 2 室定員 5 名93 ㎡


  • プール
  • ホットタブ
  • 駐車場利用可
  • 洗濯機
  • バーベキューグリル
  • ジム





美しいトロピカルガーデンに囲まれた豪華な2ベッドルームアパートメント。カップル、友人、家族連れに最適な休暇先です。 私たちは理想的な逃走先、リラックス、安らぎ、そして回復の癒しの場所です。 寒い気候、ストレスの多い仕事、そして多忙な生活スタイルから脱出し、よく必要な平和と回復のためにあなたの内なる存在に同調してください。 ハミルトンハウスは、28フィートの広いスイミングプール、サンデッキ、そして広い天蓋付きの日陰エリアを誇っています。 たくさんのラウンジャーなので、タオルを朝に出す必要はありません。 設備の整ったキッチン、食器洗い機、調理器具、電子レンジ、やかん、コーヒーメーカー、アイロン、ベビーベッド、ハイチェアなど、必要なものがすべて揃っています。 マスターベッドルームには専用バスルームがあり、セカンドベッドルームには隣接するファミリーバスルームがあり、両方のベッドルームからプールの景色を眺めることができます。 25フィートのベランダが正面脇を横切って直接伸びるプールサイド(子供の安全のための扉があります)を含む非常に広々とした宿泊施設ベランダは屋外の食事のための外のプラグ、座席、ダイニングテーブル、椅子と真新しいバーベキューを含みます。

5分足らずで海岸道路を歩くと、カリブ海で最大かつ最高のマリーナが見つかります。 ジョリーハーバーにはATM、ブティック、美容院、インターネットカフェ、18ホールのゴルフコース、オリンピックサイズのプール、テニスコート、スカッシュコートがあり、島の2つの最も美しいビーチ、ジョリービーチとエルミタージュがありますベイ。 ジョリーハーバーには、必要なものがすべて揃った充実した大型スーパーマーケットもあります。 バーやカフェで無料Wi-Fi接続。 1〜2マイル以内にウォーターフロントのレストランがいくつかあります。 もっと島を見たい場合はレンタカーを借りるのがお勧めですが、車で行きたくない場合はバレーロードにたくさんのバスがあり、地元に滞在する予定の場合は地元のレストランやいくつかのビーチへ行くことができます。 365のビーチから、この美しいアンティグア島は提供しなければなりません。


ロブスターレストランがあるウェストコーストビレッジの向かいには、再びアイリッシュパブ、カレーハウス、その他たくさんの観光客が訪れることができます。 ハミルトンハウスは、お客様のプライバシーが美しい庭園でくつろいだり、プールの周りでくつろいだりすることができますが、地元のビーチやアンティグアが提供するアトラクションを楽しむのに十分近いところです。 アンティグアは最も安全なカリブ諸島とジョリーハーバー地域の1つとされています。



ダークウッド7. 5分南



奇跡 - バレーロード。 ジョリーハーバー
これは私たちのお気に入りのRestuarantで、Jolly Harbourの入り口に向かって谷道をわずか5分上ったところです(私たちは必須のカレーヤギが大好きです)。 あなたはマヒマヒ、スナッパー、ワフー、マグロそして時にはサメから選ぶことができます!

ビーチ - 陽気なビーチのCastaways

シアーロックス - Ffryesビーチ、バレーロード。
ココ湾の裏の崖の上のこの美しいレストランは文字通りあなたを吹き飛ばします。 道順:あなたはフライヤーズビーチに向かって右に曲がり、次にココベイの入り口に向かって最初に右に曲がります。


これは多くの訪問者のお気に入りのビーチに位置しています。 ここであなたはジョージファミリーがあなたのすべての欲求とニーズを満たす準備ができているのを見つけるでしょう、そしてまた子供と大人が両方を楽しむであろうウォーターパーク。

Jacqui O's BeachHouseバー&レストラン
ラブビーチクラブベヒル|アンティグア、セントメアリー、アンティグア(旧Jacqui O's)
午前11時に開きます。 郷土料理、カリブ海料理、シーフード料理、多国籍料理、ベジタリアン料理あり。 ビーガン、グルテンフリーのオプション。
午前10時から午後10時まで営業しています。 金曜日はジャズの祭典、日曜日はライブの催し物です。

OJのCrab Hill Village、セントメアリー、アンティグアバーブーダの隣のValley Road
Anti Rumaの最新のビーチバーで、素晴らしいラム酒、さらに優れた料理を専門とするRed Londonスタイルのバスです。 サンラウンジャー、ハンモック、またはプライベートカバナのいずれかでわずか15ユーロでターナーズ沿いの8番目のビーチをお楽しみください。

一見すると普通のパイナップルのように見えるかもしれませんが、Antigua Black Pineapples、あるいは略してAntigua Blacksのサンプリングを見送ると、多くの人が最も甘いパイナップルと呼んでいるものを見逃すことになります。惑星。

アンティグアを出発する前に、ヴァージンアトランティックの出発ゲートの向かい側にあるミシェルの「テイラーズドーター」のお土産屋さんに必ず立ち寄ってください。 そこから完璧なお土産を選び、アンティグアの思い出を持ち帰ってください。


Mo George



  • ビーチラウンジャー

プール / スパ

  • スパ用浴槽 1 個
  • プライベートプール
  • 屋外プール 1 か所
  • 温水プール
  • 共用プール


  • アパートメントで利用可能 : 無料の WiFi


  • 車あり
  • 敷地内の駐車場


  • オーブン
  • コーヒー / ティーメーカー
  • コンロ
  • トースター
  • 香辛料
  • 食器洗い機
  • 調理器具および食器類
  • 電気ケトル
  • 電子レンジ
  • 冷蔵庫


  • ベッドシーツあり
  • ベッドルーム 2 室


  • シャワー
  • タオルあり
  • トイレットペーパー
  • バスルーム 2 室
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • 浴槽またはシャワー


  • リビングルーム


  • DVD プレーヤー
  • ゲーム
  • ステレオ
  • スマートテレビ (ケーブル / 衛星チャンネルあり)
  • テレビゲーム
  • ビデオライブラリ
  • 音楽ライブラリ


  • バーベキューグリル
  • ポーチ / ベランダ
  • 庭園


  • 洗濯機


  • 暖房
  • 冷房


  • ペットとの宿泊不可

対象 / バリアフリー

  • 全館禁煙


  • アイロン / アイロン台
  • セーフティボックス
  • 客室清掃 (空き状況による)
  • 電話


  • マリーナの近く
  • 山間部に位置
  • 動物園の近く
  • 病院の近く
  • 湾近く


  • ウォーターパーク
  • ゲームコーナー
  • ゴルフ特典 (オプション)
  • ジム
  • 温水プール
  • ウインドサーフィン (近隣)
  • カジノ (近隣)
  • ゴルフ場 (近隣)
  • サーフィン / ボディボード (近隣)
  • サイクリングコース (近隣)
  • ジェットスキーポイント (近隣)
  • シュノーケリング (近隣)
  • スイミング (近隣)
  • スキューバダイビング (近隣)
  • セーリング (近隣)
  • バードウォッチング (近隣)
  • ハイキング / サイクリングコース (近隣)
  • ラフティング (近隣)
  • 乗馬 (近隣)
  • 水上スキー (近隣)
  • 釣り場 (近隣)
  • 登山 (近隣)


  • 一酸化炭素検知器が未報告 (オーナーは施設に一酸化炭素検知器があるかどうか明記していません。携帯用探知器の持ち込みをご検討ください)
  • 煙感知器が未報告 (オーナーは施設に煙感知器があるかどうか明記していません)
  • 救急箱
  • 消火器
  • デッドボルトロック (本締り錠)


  • ユニットサイズ : 93 平方メートル
  • 庭園




チェックイン : 16:00 以降
チェックインの最低年齢 : 21 歳


チェックアウト終了時刻 : 10:00





お子様およびエキストラ ベッドのご利用について




場合により、チェックイン時に政府発行の写真付き身分証明書と付随費用精算のためのクレジットカード / デビットカードのご提示、または現金でのデポジットのお支払いが必要です
この施設は弊社のパートナー企業 Vrbo (バーボ) が管理しており、Vrbo より、予約を変更・キャンセルする場合にご利用いただく Vrbo アカウントへのリンクを記載したメールが届きます


2br 2ba Ground Floor Luxury Apartment Wifi Jolly Harbour Beaches


Saint Mary, Saint Mary Parish


  • ジョリー ビーチ - 徒歩 4 分
  • モスキート コーブ ビーチ - 徒歩 17 分
  • バレー チャーチ ホテル - 車で 3 分
  • フリズ ビーチ - 車で 8 分
  • エルミタージュ ベイ - 車で 9 分


  • V.C. バード国際空港 (ANU) から車で 34 分


  • ‪Score - ‬車で 16 分
  • ‪Sheer Rocks Restaurant - ‬車で 4 分
  • ‪Coconut Grill & Bar - ‬徒歩 2 分
  • ‪Castaways - ‬徒歩 9 分
  • ‪Sandra’s Bar and Grill - ‬徒歩 10 分


2ベッドルーム2階、2階、1階建ての高級アパートメント、WiFi付きジョリーハーバー&ビーチにプールはありますか ?


2ベッドルーム2階、2階、1階建ての高級アパートメント、WiFi付きジョリーハーバー&ビーチはペットと宿泊できますか ?


2ベッドルーム2階、2階、1階建ての高級アパートメント、WiFi付きジョリーハーバー&ビーチのチェックインは何時ですか ?

チェックイン開始は 16:00 です。

2ベッドルーム2階、2階、1階建ての高級アパートメント、WiFi付きジョリーハーバー&ビーチのチェックアウトは何時ですか ?

チェックアウトは 10:00 です。

2ベッドルーム2階、2階、1階建ての高級アパートメント、WiFi付きジョリーハーバー&ビーチはどこにありますか ?

ジョリー ハーバーにあるファミリー向けのこのアパートメントは、山中に位置し、ジョリー ビーチおよびジョリー ハーバー ゴルフ クラブから徒歩 15 分圏内です。モスキート コーブ ビーチおよびバレー チャーチ ホテルも 2 km 圏内です。

Lovely Villa. Jolly Harbour amenities & five beautiful Beaches close by.の口コミ




評価 10 - 40 件の口コミ中 27 件が非常に良い
評価 8 - 40 件の口コミ中 9 件が良い
評価 6 - 40 件の口コミ中 1 件が普通
評価 4 - 40 件の口コミ中 3 件が不満
評価 2 - 40 件の口コミ中 0 件が非常に不満








10/10 (非常に良い)

Connie G.

良かった点 : 清潔度
We especially loved spending time on the deck. We had enough space to spread out. Mo communicated really well before and during our stay.
2025 年 1 月に 6 泊滞在

8/10 (良い)

Cynthia B.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Quiet property and great pool
Hosts were easy to communicate and stay in touch. Unit was nicely located on 1st fl with fantastic pool. Quiet location with a few nights of across street music from local food hubs. 15 to 20 min walk to groceries and beaches. Xh
2024 年 12 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Candace W.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Wonderful home base in paradise
My adult sons and I enjoyed our stay at this lovely villa in Bolands, Antigua. The entire process from booking, confirming our booking, checking in, and checking out was seamless. Mo and Michelle are very nice, efficient, and professional team. We hope to come again because the villa is nicely secluded and provided a wonderful home base for us. Thank you Mo and Michelle for this experience!! Blessings, Peace, and One Love!!
2024 年 11 月に 5 泊滞在

8/10 (良い)

Terence P.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Easy Access
The property was comfortable but more suited to 2/3 persons who plan to spend more time eating out. Communication with property owner/manager was smooth and reservation cost was ideal.
2024 年 9 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Peter R.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Jolly Harbour
Excellent location and standard of the property. Pool was a delight. Issue with finding the property as address given was Garden Apartments whereas it was Hamilton House. Taxi driver did not know Garden Apartments. Took about an hour to find the property then we did not have the key box code and took a while to contact someone to get it. After that though, very happy with our stay.
2024 年 6 月に 9 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 設備とサービス、施設のコンディションと設備
Would definitely stay at this property again everything was in walking distance and the restaurant was great.would definitely stay there again
2024 年 5 月に 5 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Kimberley T.、Vancouver, British Columbia

良かった点 : 清潔度
Great location!
Mo’s place was in a great location on Antigua. We had a rental car so getting around the island was easy with better traffic than going though St. John’s. Only one small complaint is that after 30 hours of being awake, airport waits and flight times, there was no water still for 5 hours after arriving to the condo. While this was not Mos fault directly, the property manager said it was a scheduled water maintenance shut off to fix a water line. As a “scheduled” shut off, I really feel Mo should have informed me before we arrived that we would have no running water to shower or use the washrooms. We had to make alternative plans to go over to our friends Villa to have showers just to go out for dinner. When we returned at 10:00pm, the water was once again on. Other than that, the place inside was great! Some small damages to things like the oven (salt water has corroded the metal) and a touch of paint here and there. Pool and outside grounds were immaculate and we almost always had the pool to ourselves. All in all a great vacation!
2024 年 3 月に 8 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

May-Jean P.、Ajax, Canada

良かった点 : 清潔度
A wonderful vacation
We stayed for three weeks and enjoyed our stay! The apartment was clean and we had everything that we needed. The shower was hot with strong water pressure. The air conditioning worked well, however the ceiling fans kept us comfortable most nights without the A/C. We enjoyed our daily swims in the crystal clear pool surrounded by beautiful tropical gardens. Be careful on the pool deck, it gets slippery when wet. We spent a lot of time on the private covered deck enjoying the hill views, birds, lizards and tropical flowers. At sunset the tree frogs chirped which added to the charm. Mo was great during the booking process and Michelle answered our questions promptly. We had guests who joined us for 2 of our three weeks and they all enjoyed their visit. This was our first holiday rental and we arrived thinking we could walk to the beach. For anyone with knee or health issues, the walk is much further than 5 minutes. I recommend renting a car as the walk to the grocery store is 14 minutes, then another 14 minutes back lugging heavy groceries. We used the car rental company recommended by Mo and we were very happy with the vehicle and their service. Right across the street is TNA Sports Bar run by Terry who is very friendly. He serves cold beer and delicious food. There is music most nights if you want to have a fun evening. We would definitely stay here again!
2024 年 2 月に 18 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Andrea M.

良かった点 : 清潔度
So helpful!
After a mix up with our original Vrbo, we were scrambling to find a place last minute. Mo and Michelle were extremely helpful, doing a last minute booking for us and making sure the unit was clean and ready. Although it was on the opposite side of the island from where we had originally booked, we were really happy with both the location and the unit itself. Thanks, Mo and Michelle!
2024 年 2 月に 5 泊滞在

8/10 (良い)

Nick H.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Amazing Holiday in paradise
No 3 Hamilton House is, in our opinion, in one of the best locations on the beautiful island of Antigua. Less than a 10 min walk to the Jolly Harbour Marina with all Its amenities including bars, restaurants and a very well stocked supermarket. The apartment itself is in a block of just 4 which share a beautiful and well maintained garden and swimming pool. On our arrival we found the apartment to be clean and comfortable and a refresh (clean bedding and towels etc..)was carried out on weekly basis. Thanks Mo for letting us stay at your place in Paradise. We have had the most amazing holiday and hope to return very soon.
2024 年 1 月に 30 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Rusheen H.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Cozy Villa
The location is ideal as it is right across from a restaurant and Jolly Beach where you can find everything that you need. Mo and Michelle were super accommodating and responded to my every need. We enjoyed the stay so much that we extended for another night. Thank you Mo and Michelle.
2023 年 12 月に 6 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Christine W.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Wonderful place!!
Mo communicated very promptly and his manager Michelle was super quick to reply if I had any questions. Great place and visit!
2023 年 12 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

deena k.、Toronto, Canada

良かった点 : 清潔度
Perfect place to stay!
Spacious, close to grocery, Michelle and Mo were super responsive and we made daily use of the pool for morning and nighttime swims. Thank you for everything!
2023 年 10 月に 7 泊滞在

8/10 (良い)

steve s.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Just wanted to say that our stay at the Hamilton House was awesome the location is amazing … The booking process was easy with Mo the owner, and check in was also seamless. The grounds and the pool are pristine and so relaxing and everyone was so friendly. The apartment #3 we stayed in is cozy and comfortable and has everything you need to cook with. Sure you could pick at a few areas that could use updating but being to the island many times I would say that is normal for most places at this price point. If you’re looking for a great place to stay I would recommend staying here.. Thank you Mo we had another great experience at the Hamilton House…
2023 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

4/10 (不満)


気になった点 : 清潔度、設備とサービス、施設のコンディションと設備
This was advertised as a luxury villa (Appt 3) when standard was only just basic. Bath was rusty and tiles in both bathrooms were broken. Back of main bathroom door was only undercoated and very badly at that. Floor around skirting not properly cleaned (apparently this is caused by dust settling on product sprayed to deter cockroaches each month). Unacceptable amount of cockroaches in living area drawers, cupboards and dishwasher as well as worktops etc - no response when reported to owner/property manager. Broken venetian blind in kitchen a privacy problem, all curtains and blinds need cleaning. Rusty wardrobe runners in 2nd bedroom so the doors come off the rail when used - whole apartment needs an update.
2023 年 5 月に 16 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Denise S.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Very easy, good communication. Beds good, loved pool and patio, well equipped apartment. We found it took us over 15minutes to walk to Jolly Harbour.
2023 年 4 月に 14 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Annabel R.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Perfect family apartment!
We are a family of four with two boys aged 4 and 7 and this apartment was perfect for us. It was clean, comfortable and well equipped. There were also some nice touches like the portable speaker, cool box and board games that we appreciated. We loved the outside deck area as it led straight onto the communal pool so we could watch the kids swim whilst having breakfast. The pool was also great, a shallow end for the kids and comfortable sun beds. The location is ideal as you can walk to restaurants, bars and some of the best, child friendly beaches in Antigua, we loved Darkwood which is a 7 minute drive away. There is also a big supermarket 5 minutes away. The manager (Michelle) was really friendly and helpful, she gave us some great advice about the island, nothing was too much trouble. The owner was also quick to respond to our booking requests. We loved the relaxed vibe at Hamilton Estate and will definitely be returning soon. Highly recommended!
2023 年 4 月に 5 泊滞在

4/10 (不満)

John D.

気になった点 : 清潔度
Condo in poor condition, Excellent location
We spent 29 days here and rented a car.Although the location is excellent we do not recommend staying in this condo. It is not a luxury apartment. When we arrived the microwave,fire alarm,TV remote and flashlight (required when the power goes out) were all broken.Some of the window screens were ripped.The dishwasher was in rough shape-broken racks and soap dispenser. Mo did replace the microwave 11 days after we arrived and the remote was fixed. There was evidence of rodents in our living area and bugs in the kitchen.We used bug spray most nights to deter the bugs. There is a restaurant across the street that plays loud music until 1:30 am 6 nights per week.We kept the windows closed(due to broken screens ) and the noise did not bother us but if you are a light sleeper the noise could be an issue. Furthermore when the power goes out the neighbours generator starts up and it is loud. The power went out 7 different days for up to 2 hours. There is no generator for this condo. The air conditioners worked well but the quality of the beds and pillows is very poor. Mo appears to rely solely on the renters to tell him when things are not working.From our experience, the local manager doesn't take an active role in managing the unit. We really enjoyed the beaches and people in Antigua but will not stay here on our next trip.
2023 年 2 月に 29 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)


良かった点 : 清潔度、設備とサービス、施設のコンディションと設備
Great stay in Apt#3 at Hamilton House. Car rental helpful but not critical. Terrace nice. Grocery nearby. Beach 15 min walk. Great island.

10/10 (非常に良い)

Harish K.

良かった点 : 清潔度
A holiday to cherish and remember!
We spent about 12 nights here and rented a car. Check-in was straightforward forward and all the essentials were in place. Despite our getting delayed (due to traffic and roadblocks due to some sort of carnival) Michelle was very kind and helpful. The apartment was comfortable and felt safe. Lovely pool (cleaned and professionally maintained on a Thursday)- shared with 3 other apartments - but did not feel too busy! We rented a car and explored several nearby beaches and the island. Jolly habour has a sports centre and we played squash a few times. choice of restaurants nearby although we felt it was a lot more expensive than in the UK. choice of 2 supermarkets nearby- again seemed a lot more expensive than the UK. Great weather and a perfect holiday! The apartment had bedrooms that were airconditioned. The living room AC remote was broken but had 2 fans and a verandah. Hence it was very comfortable. Netflix wifi and a local phone (which needs to be charged) were included although we did not need them. If you are renting a car google maps (will need a local sim card available at the jolly harbour) is a must as the roads are not always signposted sufficiently. The main Jolly harbour beach was our favorite and not busy. We would highly recommend the apartment - Great value +Excellent location +Great hosts +several good local restaurants and amenities + Felt safe + lots of smiles everywhere you go !!!
2022 年 10 月に 12 泊滞在

4/10 (不満)

Hyacinth Sheralyn

気になった点 : 設備とサービス、施設のコンディションと設備
The grounds and exterior were very nice, but the inside, particularly the bathrooms and master bedroom were disappointing. The bed in the master bedroom was hard and uncomfortable. My pregnant daughter-in-law and her husband often said that if felt like sleeping on a box spring. In one bathroom, the sink only ran scalding hot water, so my family and I all had to use the other sink. In the other bathroom (en suite), the water in the tub kept backing up, so we all used the shower in the first bathroom. There was also rust around the tub and toilets, which were not visible in the pictures online. The shower curtains/liners were also dirty and should have been cleaned or changed before we arrived. The kitchen was clean and spacious, but we found a few roaches. Overall, our stay could have been more pleasant if the bathrooms were updated before our stay and if the owner had been more transparent prior to our arrival. I would also suggest investing in a mattress topper for the harder bed.
2022 年 7 月に 9 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Jennifer A.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Would Stay Again
This property is in the perfect location. Close to Jolly Harbour Marina, grocery store and beaches. We thoroughly enjoyed the pool and sitting on the deck for our morning coffee.
2022 年 6 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Nina R.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Lovely sunny stay
We were so pleased to make it to Antigua this summer and we found the apartment well appointed for some of the best beaches on the island. Our favourite locally being Ffryes. The apartment had lovely comfy beds and made a great base for exploring Antigua. The children loved having a pool for a swim at the end of most days. The owners and management for the apartment provided clear communication and were extremely helpful. We would recommend capt taco just down the road too for great takeaway Mexican!
2021 年 8 月に 10 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

antoinette B.、Douglaston, New York

良かった点 : 清潔度
Excellent location!
Who knew when I picked this lovely apartment that we would be so close to everything you might need. Location is pretty key in Antigua and Mo's apartment is 2 minutes drive from one of the main supermarket chains that is fully stocked with supplies. There are some beautiful beaches 5 minutes drive in the other direction. We did drive around the island and can confirm that this is definitely the best location. The apartment itself is great - 2 bathrooms make a huge difference when travelling with a family. Well stocked with kitchen supplies. The best part though is you walk out onto your verandah and a few steps away is the pool. We had it all to ourselves. Some tips: 1. Listen to Mo's suggestion of hiring a car from his local contact. We did NOT and hired from one of the big US car companies. The quality of the cars leave a lot to be desired and you do need a reliable car as the road conditions in Antigua are poor - i.e. a lot of potholes. 2. If you have any pool floats at home, bring one or two - we did and had a blast. They are hard to find in Antigua and expensive if you do find. (Mo did have one in case you do not) 3. There is a new taco stand 5 minutes up the road on route to Ffryers beach - Capt'n Taco, owned by a retired banker from Chicago who hired a chef from Louisiana. It was simply the freshest and best food we ate on the Island and reasonably priced - it is takeout. Al Porto's was also excellent in Jolly Harbour. 4. And finally right across the road from the apartment entrance, there is a cute bar Tipsy Turvey, if your kids are old enough to be left for an hour or so - they do great Rum Punches for about $5 USD and parents can have a "date night".
2021 年 8 月に 7 泊滞在

10/10 (非常に良い)

Gary D.

良かった点 : 清潔度
Lovely apartment in Jolly harbour
Lovely place 2 beds 2 baths with shared pool set in grounds close to supermarket and beaches.. Everything you need for a relaxing break or to explore Antigua. Highly recommended
2021 年 6 月に 14 泊滞在