Custom built waterfront home on the Calcasieu Ship Chanel is ready for your next vacation! Accessing the property by water or vehicle is very convenient due to its perfect location. Spicer-Hughes Marina is less than a mile away and offers live bait, fuel and a boat ramp. The interior of the home offers full baths in each bedroom, TVs in each room, expansive dining areas for enjoying meals and plenty of room to lounge and relax. The exterior of the property spared no expense. There is ample concrete for parking vehicles, boats and trailers. 1 full RV hook-up is available for an additional fee of $100.00 per night. If you love to entertain outdoors, look no further. Prepare any meal on the large BBQ pit, smoker/grill or Blackstone griddle then serve on the two picnic tables and other outdoor seating areas while watching the ships and boats pass by the house. Guests have the luxury of using the dock, slip and lift to make your fishing experiences more accommodating and stress-free.
House was wonderful enjoyed everything just wished had earlier check-in time coming from out of town your day is gone no time to do much your first day